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The Sisters of St. John is one of the Orders found in Dark Ages: Inquisitor. The women of this order are gifted with visions as their founder Saint Teresa was, which they in turn use to fight against the supernatural creatures of the Dark Ages.



The order was founded by Sister Teresa, who had a gift for prophecies to help other especially other who had similar prophetic abilities. The order was recognised by the Pope during the 4th Lateran council in 1215 and granted an abbey in Tyre. In 1222 the Saracens attacked Tyre, but the Sisters could leave and Sisters Teresa brought them to Castile, where they build a new abbey near Madrid.


The Sisterhood is a very loose order.

  • Each Convent is lead by a Mother Superior
  • Most members of the order are Sisters


  • The Convent of the Holy Mother
  • The Convent of St. John the Divine at Madrid
  • The Hospital of St. Dymphna


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