Sin Dragons are a type of Dragon and mythical creature from the Dark Medieval.
The codification of sins by St. Gregory the Great spawned a small number of sects in the late 5th century. Believing they could achieve spiritual and moral purity by expunging themselves of these sins, they spent years searching for ways to live better in the eyes of God. When the years proved that human nature made it nigh impossible to avoid the seven deadly sins, the course of their path changed.
Members of more than one sect ended their lives in sacrifice, certain that the sings of the flesh could be absolved once the body was left behind. Others fell to darker paths, believing it was not their own failure, but that of mankind. They destroyed entire villages in the name of expunging sin, never once seeing the irony of their own acts.
Ultimately the movement dwindled and became a distant memory to all but the peoples of a remote village nestled on the edges of the Black Forest. The priest of the village, a borderline heretic, had a vision of a great magical rite capable of ripping the very sins from human flesh and banishing them from the world.
For forty days and forty nights, in accord with God's punishment for sins, the flock fasted. On the forty-first day, amid the prayer and song of service, an angel entered the church doors. "You have done well," he said. "Your sings are absolved and will be nevermore." Blue-white light filled the church, drowning out even the sun. When the light faded, seven vicious beasts stood before the congregation howling for blood. They found it.
Once the last of the congregation fell to the new-formed beasts, silence reigned. Each creature looked to the others with innate knowledge of their place in the world. The time to find it had come.
Envy's natural form is a great sea serpent, far longer than any vessel. A green-fanged dragon's head sits at the top of a vast, serpentine body, with two pairs of clawed finds. Sleek and supple, Envy delights in wrapping his body around ships multiple times before depriving them of their crew and cargo, then consigning all to the depths.
The green-eyed monster makes his home swimming the northern seas between England, Iceland, and the Northlands. For centuries he was able to encourage raiding parties to cross the vast waters to steal from neighbors. Now that his primary agents have retired from their raiding ways, he seeks new agents to infect with the mix of jealously and anger that he finds so entertaining. He delights in tempting men to try to steal his treasure or that of others. By deliberately leaking tales of a hidden grotto filled with the treasures of piracy, he passes time in wait to catch thieves within his lair. These unfortunates he then compels to steal on his behalf.
This great, fat snake coils in the northern Black Forest, not far from the location of his birth. The coal-black lizard didn't need to travel far to find a home suitable to his needs. Unlike some of his kin, he has no wings and thus cannot fly. His ground speed in serpent form, however, more than makes up for the loss. He can speed through vast tracts of land in mere moments, leaving huge clouds of dust and a trail of debris in his wake.
Shortly after his birth, he struck a pact with a farming village. For three sheep a week, he "protects" the village from the neighboring monsters. Four other villages also fell prey to this bargain, no one realizing that the only creature to fear in the area had become far too content to raid them.
The Serpent of Greed fled into the mountains of Italy to search for a new home. Few saw the great black beast cut through the night. None saw his arrival, in the guise of a beggar who asked for what gifts he could get, his silvered tongue always loosening even the tightest of purse strings. Soon, he had amassed enough of a fortune to set up business. Again, his honeyed voice persuaded the unwitting, this time to attract partners for his ventures. Their fortunes added to his and grew at the same time. It was not long before he was a business force.
For decades, he has manipulated the local mercantile houses. Minions perform his bidding, building the routes, competing, and otherwise growing wealth - not to distribute to others, but to collect for himself. He appears to be a corpulent, wealthy Italian merchant with villas throughout the peninsula. Only those highly attuned to magic may catch a glimpse of his true, serpentine form - unless he chooses to throw off his disguise and unleash his full powers.
This great red beast took to the sky after its birth, flying across the waters to the British Isles. The Serpent of Lust is a slim and supple drake, not so large as some of its kin, but still of formidable size. Its wings stretch half again its length. Its shimmering scales are as red as rubies, making for an attractive creature, were it not for the man-sized fangs and spear-length claws.
Finding a great many people to amuse itself with among the mountain tribes, Lust took the shape of a comely girl and began a trail of mischief that has broken hearts, marriages and lives. As "she" (the true serpent is hermaphroditic) travels from village to town, she sloughs her form as a snake sheds, changing size, features, and even gender, as befits his mood. In each form, the creature carries one bit of vanity: Its ruby scales take the form of red garnet adornment. It cares not a whit for completing the game, only in its playing. So long as there is someone to tempt....
The scaled Serpent of Pride makes his lair beneath the catacombs of Rome, in tunnels long sealed off by his own servants. A heavy, locked door is the only useable entrance or exit; the corridor outside it leads to the palatial residence of his current human form. He spends time here among high society, always careful to be just a little more handsome, a little better dressed, and surprisingly, a little better mannered than anyone else. He leaves most of his mock mortal affairs in the hands of trusted - and usually duped - human servants. He keeps a persona for decades at a time, shedding it only as the disguise grows too old. Eventually, the old guise "dies," witnessed only by his "heir," a handsome boy recently adopted.
Pride's dragon form features a confusing, vibrantly patterned series of blue and green scales, with feathered wings and the tail plumage of a peacock. It is thought that he is now somewhat embarrassed by his native form, which is perhaps why it is rarely seen.
Sloth is a great, dirty-brown wyrm, completely unconcerned with his appearance. Unlike his kin, he has no wings or limbs. He is a huge, fat snake with a dragon's head. As his name suggests, his body is a solid coil of reptilian rope, its smooth surface broken only by the occasional lump of a still-digesting meal.
Sloth still lives in the Black Forest. True to his name, he never left. He spends the majority of his days sleeping under a coating of earth, rock and leaves. When he feels the occasional urge to eat, he shifts about slightly and opens his toothy maw. A scent drifts from the depths of his throat to attract local fauna, convincing them that his mouth is a fine, warm, safe place to sleep.
When the Serpent of Wrath burst forth into the world, her hostility shook the very ground. Her thoughts of aggression and revenge rippled out until a willing host was found for her anger. The Huns crashed through Europe, sating the beast's temper. She dwells in sleep beneath the frosts of western Russia. When next she awakes, it will surely be at the scent of slaughter.
Her slumbering form is nonetheless frightening. Deep blue scales protect the few parts of her body not covered in sharp, bone spikes. The floor below her is littered with sloughed spikes from previous years' moltings. Two rows of sharp teeth fill her maw, though only the great fangs extending beneath her snout are visible in her current position.
Character Sheets[]
Attributes: Strength 10, Dexterity 7, Stamina 8, Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0, Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
Abilities: Alertness 3, Animal Ken 3, Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Brawl 5, Expression 5, Intimidation 5, Subterfuge 6
Willpower: 5
Health Levels: OK x 5, -1 x 5, -3 x 3, -5 x 2, Incapacitated
Armor: +4B/+4L/+2A
Attacks: Bite of claw (Str +3L), tail-lash (Str +3B), constriction (Str +5L)
Powers: Aura of Envy, Fearless, Immortal
Weakness: Tales of treasures more spectacular than any Envy possesses can be used to lure him from his liar.
Tass: Envy's possessions hold his power. The very act of thieving even the smallest trinket from his collection yields a point of Quintessence to the thief.
Aura of Envy: Unlike some of his fellows, Envy cannot take human form. He can, however, speak human language with silvered tongue. His very words induce envy in those who hear them. Roll Envy's Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 7) opposed by the listeners' Willpower (difficulty 7); if the serpent wins, the listener is overcome with envy toward whatever or whoever Envy speaks of, whether it be a rage to destroy a newly perceived rival or a need to steal something from someone. Note that Envy rarely shows himself to those he speaks to; he most often slips near to the shore or a vessel and whispers loudly enough for people to hear him. Those who fall for his honeyed words assume it is their own inner voice goading them on. Those who resist may assume it's the Devil speaking, even if they do see the serpent himself.
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 9, Stamina 8, Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0/2, Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 7, Awareness 3, Brawl 5, Expression 3, Intimidation 5
Willpower: 5
Health Levels: OK x 5, -1 x 5, -3 x 3, -5 x 2, Incapacitated
Armor: +4B/+4L/+2A
Attacks: Bite of claw (Str +3L), tail-lash (Str +2B), poison mist
Powers: Fearless, Immortal, Shapeshifting (into a human or a four-legged, twelve-foot long serpent form)
Weakness: Gluttony is easily distracted by food - fresh, stale or still kicking
Tass: Gluttony's venom can be mixed into olive oil and burned, slowly releasing Quintessence in the resulting smoke. If inhaled, the vapors from one draught of venom will release three points of Quintessence.
Poison Mist: Gluttony is able to produce a fine mist of paralyzing contact poison that can quickly disable any in his path. The poison is potent, rendering those failing a Stamina roll (difficulty 6) instantly unconscious. Those with two successes or fewer are dazed, performing all tasks at +2 difficulty for the remainder of the scene. Gluttony may use this attack only once per scene. The mist dissipates after five turns.
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 7, Stamina 6, Charisma 7, Manipulation 8, Appearance 0/3, Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 5
Abilities: Academics 2, Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Finances 5, Brawl 2, Expression 5, Intimidation 4
Willpower: 5
Health Levels: OK x 5, -1 x 5, -3 x 3, -5 x 2, Incapacitated
Armor: +4B/+4L/+2A
Attacks: Bite of claw (Str +3L), tail-lash (Str +2B)
Powers: Fearless, Immortal, Shapeshifting (into a human or a four-legged, twelve-foot long serpent form)
Weakness: Greed is attracted to valuables, though not to the point of stupidity as many assume. he can be bargained with, even if he has caught you stealing from him.
Tass: Greed's power is in his wealth. A pound of precious coins stolen from his coffers, when melted down and used in the creation of a talisman or other magical item, reduces the difficulty of creation by two.
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 7, Stamina 8, Charisma 8, Manipulation 6, Appearance 1/8, Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Brawl 5, Expression 5, Intimidation 5, Seduction 5, Stealth 3, Subterfuge 5
Willpower: 5
Health Levels: OK x 5, -1 x 5, -3 x 3, -5 x 2, Incapacitated
Armor: +4B/+4L/+2A
Attacks: Bite of claw (Str +3L), tail-lash (Str +2B)
Powers: Aura of Lust, Fearless, Immortal, Shapeshifting (into a human or a four-legged, twelve-foot long serpent form)
Weakness: Lust lives for the mating dance, the tempting of men and women to succumb to their more bestial urges. Nothing tempts the creature more than a happy couple, clearly in love and dedicated to one another. Anyone in possession of Lust's garnets is immune to its wiles.
Tass: Lust's garnets hold a small portion of her strength. Each holds two Quintessence points and is capable of containing up to 10 more points, should a mage choose to use it as a focus for matters of the heart and loins.
Aura of Lust: The serpent can evoke extreme, unthinking, and even bestial lust in others with but a wink and a smile. They will go to any length to have him or her (regardless of gender), even to the point of killing loved ones who stand in their way. Roll Lust's Charisma + Seduction (difficulty 7) opposed by a chosen target's Willpower (difficulty 7).
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 6, Stamina 5, Charisma 7, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0/6, Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Brawl 5, Etiquette 5, Expression 4, Intimidation 6, Performance (Acting) 5, Subterfuge 3
Willpower: 5
Health Levels: OK x 5, -1 x 5, -3 x 3, -5 x 2, Incapacitated
Armor: +4B/+4L/+2A<
Attacks: Bite of claw (Str +3L), tail-lash (Str +2B)
Powers: Fearless, Immortal, Shapeshifting (into a human or a four-legged, twelve-foot long serpent form)
Weakness: Pride is particularly fond of his appearance. If wounded, the very prospect of a scar will enrage him enough that he reverts to dragon form and goes on a rampage.
Tass: A lock of Pride's hair in human form can be burned to release a single point of Quintessence. Similarly, if one can be found, a tail plume used as a focus reduces the difficulty of illusion of shapeshifting spells by one.
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 8, Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0, Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 2, Animal Ken 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 5, Intimidation 4, Subterfuge 3
Willpower: 5
Health Levels: OK x 5, -1 x 5, -3 x 3, -5 x 2, Incapacitated
Armor: +4B/+4L/+2A<
Attacks: Bite of claw (Str +3L), tail-lash (Str +2B)
Powers: Aura of Sloth, Fearless, Immortal
Weakness: Lazy. So much so that his very presence makes anyone near him fatigued for no reason whatsoever.
Tass: There is no valuable Quintessence to be gleaned from the Serpent of Sloth.
Aura of Sloth: Sloth emits a palpable aura that forces an imbalance in men's humors, evoking a feeling of malaise and general apathy. So long as one is within an hour's walk of him, one suffers this effect, though it causes no game effects until one is within 30 paces. Once a person is this close, any activities requiring moderate exertion require a Willpower roll against difficulty 5. The closer to the beast one is, the stronger the effect; the difficulty increases by 1 for every 10 paces closer one gets. Once in the beast's open mouth, a Willpower roll against difficulty 9 is required to avoid falling asleep.
Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 8, Stamina 8, Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0/2, Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
Abilities: Alertness 3, Animal Ken 2, Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Brawl 5, Intimidation 7
Willpower: 3
Health Levels: OK x 5, -1 x 5, -3 x 3, -5 x 2, Incapacitated
Armor: +4B/+4L/+2A<
Attacks: Bite of claw (Str +4L), tail-lash (Str +4B), fire-breath (5A)
Powers: Aura of Anger, Fearless, Immortal, Shapeshifting (into a human or a four-legged, twelve-foot long serpent form)
Weakness: Wrath has the temper she'd be expected to have, as well as a fondness for the spoils of war. A sufficiently cowed and suppliant person can escape her anger with the proper show of respect and gifts. Anyone who becomes the creature's direct target will find himself pursued by man, woman and beast (servants of the serpent), as well as the serpent herself, util all are dead, including the offender.
Tass: A spike from Wrath's hide (shed through molting or plucked from its skin) can be ground and mixed with a small bucket's worth of water to provide two Quintessence points.
Aura of Anger: Wrath projects a force of will that makes all within a day's walk of her irritable. Within an hour's distance, tempers flare, erupting into petty arguments over seemingly important issues. By the time one is within 30 paces, all but the most resolute are nearly constantly squabbling. Only fear of waking the beast can stop the aura's victims from attacking her. At 30 paces, a Willpower roll against 5 difficulty is needed to retain composure; add one to the difficulty every 10 paces closer to the beast.
- DAM: Dark Ages: Mage Rulebook, p. 189-193