The Silver Pact is the collective body of Lunar Exalted who possess a caste thanks to their magical moonsilver tattoos, and follow the Silver Way. It is not a government, but it does have informal leaders.
In the First Age, "the Silver Pact" was a euphemism for Lunar Exalted collectively. In this period, Lunars did not have an inherent caste at Exaltation, but rather changed with the moon's phase until they settled into one that fit their personality and aptitudes. After the Usurpation, Lunars were forced into hiding in the Wyld, and its unstable energies began to erode their castes. Lunars with an unfixed caste faced the choice of mutating to mindless chimerae in the Wyld or being hounded to death in Creation, until a group of sorcerers devised a way to use moonsilver tattoos to fix caste and identity in place. Today, these tattoos are a mark of membership in the Silver Pact.
In the aftermath of the Great Contagion, a gathering of the surviving Lunars established the Silver Way and the goals of the Silver Pact. As the Lunars are the "stewards of Creation," members of the Pact pledge to protect some aspect of Creation, however large or small. The Pact works to ensure newly-Exalted Lunars are protected from the Wyld Hunt and receive tattoos and training. They also hunt down any remaining chimarae, to release those Exaltations back into the cycle of reincarnation. Finally, in secret, the elders of the Silver Pact have been promoting a strategy they call the Thousand Streams River. Rather than let one group of Exalted or another rule Creation and inevitably fall to corruption, madness or indolence, the Silver Pact promotes societies where mortals can govern themselves and fulfill their own potential to its highest degree. When such individual excellence is the norm, there will no more need for the Scarlet Empire, or any other for that matter.
The Silver Pact has five factions, which have existed since before the Usurpation:
- The Crossroads Society, which teaches sorcery and other arcane arts
- The Seneschals of the Sun Kings, who remain loyal to the Solar Exalted
- The Swords of Luna, defenders of Creation against the Wyld
- The Wardens of Gaia, who believe urban civilization cannot co-exist with nature
- The Winding Path, who pursue the Thousand Streams River before all else
- Exalted: Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars, p. 30-50