White Wolf Wiki

The Siege of Atlanta was a conflict between two powerful vampire factions, Sabbat and Camarilla for the city of Atlanta, in 1999. The city was firmly under the Camarilla's control since its founding until 1999, when a massive coalition of Sabbat forces gathered to decimate the Camarilla in a single blow. The Sabbat forces were composed of the Nomad Coalition, Tzimisce from the Old World and the combined forces of Archbishops Borges of Miami and Francisco Domingo de Polonia of New York.

The Sabbat started the action when the infamous Tzimisce Sascha Vykos eliminated the city's Tremere Regent Hannah, crippling the Camarilla's defense. The Tzimisce and Lasombra then led a massive attack, recognized as a Fire Dance, on a Camarilla meeting set in the High Museum of Art. The attack completely wiped out the Camarilla hierarchy, including Prince J. Benison Hodge—later discovered to have survived—and the famous warrior Archon Julius.

This was the initial campaign of the Sabbat's Firedance all across the eastern United States of America.

