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“We are immortal, unchanging, stagnant, exempt from natural evolution. Does that mean we should not push ourselves to improve? To excel?”
  — Opal St. Claire


The Shattered Spear or The Cult of Orthia has existed far longer than the Camarilla or Sabbat. All of their of their followers are Ventrue (VTM) who worship the image of Artemis Orthia and seek the destruction of Diabolists and demon-worshipers.


From the moment of their Embrace, most Ventrue are taught the importance of lineage and are expected to learn every step of their line by rote. After all, their Blood proves their right to rule and places them above the other Kindred clans. The children of Orthia can trace their line directly to the Goddess, laying claim to a legacy of fierce warrior kings and mighty generals. Orthia herself was said to be unrelenting in combat, as disciplined and powerful as the Spartans who worshiped her. This worship carried over to her childer, whom she chose from among the most skilled warriors of her people, and their veneration never ceased even after her fall in battle against the forces of Carthage.

Some even refuse to acknowledge her Final Death, dedicating themselves to finding and recovering their progenitor’s body and safeguarding it until such time as she awakens once more. Those who took up this charge named themselves the Shattered Spear, with Orthia’s broken weapon as their namesake and symbol.

With the rise of the Camarilla and its denial of any veneration of their forebears, the Spear began to operate in secret. The march of time saw their numbers dwindle and their influence weaken until all but a few cells were stamped out. Yet they clung to their purpose. It wasn’t until the Beckoning began to draw elders away and the rising Second Inquisition struck against any Kindred that it could find that the Spear could grasp for relevance again.

The changing times have seen a boom in its membership as the remaining few have drawn in others of their lineage, speaking to the fire in their Blood that calls to battle and to their shared desire for direction and purpose. With their numbers bolstered with new converts, the cult redoubled its efforts to seek out their progenitor, while also dedicating itself to fighting against the threats posed by the Second Inquisition and more dangerous, heretical cults among their own kind as Artemis Orthia did when she led the charge against the diabolists of Carthage. The Cult is now located in Portugal, with the capital Lisbon as its main headquarters.


The Spear of Orthia cult venerates Artemis Orthia, whom clan scholars believe was the first childe of Ventrue. The myth claims she once ruled Sparta under the guise of its patron goddess and burned with an insatiable hunger for conflict. Though her ambition led to her downfall at the hands of the Brujah of Carthage, her legend endures. The cultists of the Shattered Spear believe Artemis Orthia to be divine, worshipping her in defiance of Camarilla orthodoxy.

As a member of the Shattered Spear, you are a warrior dedicated to protecting Kindred society from its greatest threats — the Second Inquisition, Sabbat, and other enemies. The cult’s ethos abhors passivity and praises decisive, bold action. You carry this sacred torch, knowing the rediscovery of Orthia’s torpid remains has rallied new adherents to her cause.


  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Tip of the Spear: You are part of the growing wave of Shattered Spear adherents, spreading the rediscovered gospel of Orthia. Once per session, when interacting with another Ventrue character, you may ask the Storyteller whether they will be receptive, tolerant, or opposed to your faith before revealing your allegiance.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Soldier’s Code: You have embraced the Spear’s Convictions with fervor. Choose one Conviction from the cult’s dogma. Once per story, you may use it to mitigate Stains as if it were your own.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Witness to Orthia: You have personally witnessed Orthia’s torpid form beneath Lisbon alongside Elena Andreas. This profound revelation grants you the voice of authority among your kin. Once per scene, after rolling dice to convince a Ventrue of your beliefs, exhort them to violence, or lead them in battle, you may convert all 1s into 10s on your roll.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Witness to Orthia: You have personally witnessed Orthia’s torpid form beneath Lisbon alongside Elena Andreas. This profound revelation grants you the voice of authority among your kin. Once per scene, after rolling dice to convince a Ventrue of your beliefs, exhort them to violence, or lead them in battle, you may convert all 1s into 10s on your roll.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Splinter of the Spear: You possess a fragment of Orthia’s legendary spear, a sacred relic brimming with power. While it is in your possession, you gain two automatic successes on Melee rolls when wielding spears or other piercing weapons, including stakes. However, committing an act of cowardice, such as retreating or succumbing to terror frenzy, is a grave insult to Orthia’s legacy. This inflicts one point of Aggravated Willpower damage. Losing the splinter entirely would be a catastrophic blow to both you and the cult.


““We are Her spear, raw iron forged in the Blood of Artemis Orthia. We do not fear the Final Death, nor do we balk when carrying out Her will. Be a beacon against the dark, my childe, and you will know your purpose.”
  — Polemarch Elena Andreas, Voice of Artemis Orthia

From a single Kindred, a Greek ancilla of Orthia’s line who emerged shortly after the first salvos of the new Inquisition sparked the Shattered Spear’s renewed vigor. She claimed the name of Elena Andreas, though many elder Ventrue consider her exact provenance suspect. The sire she named was long gone, and none could corroborate her story. She was easily dismissed, but those who took the time to listen to her words found that she bore witness to a persuasive idea: that Artemis Orthia had survived her fall at Carthage and has lain in slumber ever since.

As proof, Elena produced the fragments of the fallen progenitor’s spear, leaving little doubt that at least she might know something about what she was saying. Word of her appearance reached the Shattered Spear quickly. The remaining leadership of the cult approached her in secret to test her and the relic she carried for themselves. Elena satisfied the cult’s ruling council, called Orthia’s Hand, such that they followed her to what she claimed was Orthia’s current resting place — the city of Lisbon, Portugal. They descended beneath the city and emerged changed by what they found there, going so far as to name bold Andreas the “Voice of Orthia” and to relocate the center of the cult to Lisbon.

In the short time since, Elena has cemented her control over the cult, delivering the orders of their progenitor to Orthia’s Hand, who then deliver her words to the ranks below. Their purpose is clear: war has come to the Kindred, and they mean to be the soldiers on the front lines. While the cult had never been complacent, the presence of the Voice and the knowledge that they now safeguard the slumbering form of their god-like creator have sparked a fire its members that they use to fuel their battle against the enemies of the Kindred — specifically, the Camarilla’s enemies — while paying at least nominal lip service to the idea of secrecy for their cult.

Organization and culture[]

The cult’s leaders carefully regiment and administer the rites and rituals of the Shattered Spear, reflecting the organization of the cult itself. Its members hold worship of Artemis Orthia as a god as well as the progenitor of their lineage above all else. Many of the cult’s rituals include solemn retellings of her greatest victories against the darkness.

Since their relocation, which allowed them to secure Orthia’s resting place, members have begun to tell tales of her Voice in the same manner; how Elena Andreas was called to Orthia’s tomb and gifted with her purpose before the weary methuselah sank back into torpor, and her quest to recover the lost fragments of Orthia’s spear in particular.

Their temples are few, and those that exist favor modest, unpretentious adornment over vulgar displays of wealth and luxury. Simple stonework marked with the symbol of a splintered spear or the Spartan lambda symbol and plain altars are sufficient, and members of the Spear consider anything more excessive and distasteful. Statuary is the rare exception, depicting Artemis Orthia bearing shield and spear.

Outside of their hidden temples, members of the Spear bear little in the way of identifying marks and few risk creating a personal shrine. Instead, it has become popular among the cult to bear a symbol of a spear broken in two in the shape of a chevron, typically on a piece of jewelry. Some who were groomed as mortal servants to their sires prior to their Embrace even get the symbol tattooed somewhere on their body. Personal prayers are common among Orthia’s faithful. They memorize short incantations and recite them in hushed tones before battle to bolster the warrior’s conviction and bring the methuselah’s favor.

The Cult of the Shattered Spear holds itself to an ideal of courage and valor modeled after the code of the ancient Spartans, who first held up Artemis Orthia as a god in the Classical age. Though some tangentially aware of the cult might write the warriors off as reckless fools at best, and a danger to the rest of Kindred society at worst, the soldiers of Orthia are not prone to acts of reckless abandon, nor do they falter in the face of danger.

Although the cult has Ventrues from other lineages may dedicate themselves to its cause, but they will never be more than foot soldiers and pawns used to further the purposes of the Spear. The Cult intends to spread Orthia's lineage throughout Portugal and other European cities. To this end, the cult's Superiors send their members, often young Ventrue and new recruits themselves, to new cities where the Blood of Orthia runs strong to seek out members for their sacred lineage. Above these newcomers and recruits are the cadre of warrior-priests and priestesses who administer the cult's foundations. Just above is the Hand of Orthia who seeks to assist the Voice, Elena Andreas, in communicating her orders and in making decisions about the Cult's future. And always in Lisbon, Elena is the main coordinator of the Cult. It is from Lisbon that the Voice, Elena Andreas,issues the orders communicated to him by the sleeper Ortia. She remains inside the temple, seen only rarely by those who are not among the five members of the Hand of Orthia.

Perspectives and Enemies[]

Despite the Cult's recent expansion, they have always been sworn enemies of diablerist and infernalist cults, often seeing death as the only acceptable response to their actions against the Kindred.

His view of anarchists and the Church of Set is also not positive, seeing their permissive nature as a problem that led to their destruction and is often intolerant of them.

Although they have similar beliefs regarding the Diabolists, The Cult of the Bahari are not permitted in the Spear Cult's domains. However, the Cult appears to recognize that the Camarilla holds many of the same beliefs as them, so its members are able to cooperate alongside Camarilla members, but often keep the cult's true identity a secret.


Vampire: The Masquerade blood cults
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