White Wolf Wiki

Shark is a Totem of War.

Rokea Traits & Ban[]

Shark Totem


Easily the most common totem for Rokea slews, Shark is the spiritual father of all Rokea and embodies their best (and worst) qualities. He is swift, silent, and deadly, and asks no emotional tie from his children. He asks only that they act in their nature as predators, and that means following the Rokean Law religiously.

Among the Same-Bito and Hengeyokai Sentai, this totem is known as Teanoi, "the Great Shark Spirit."

  • Background Cost: 6


Shark grants each of his children one point of Strength, and grants the slew +2 Stealth and two additional dice of bite damage. Additionally, each member of the slew gains 2 temporary points of Harmony Renown.


Shark's children may never take pleasure or sadness in killing, and they are expected not to hold grudges.

Menehune Traits & Ban[]


Shark is the ultimate hunter, vicious and unforgiving of those who invade his territory. He is primal, unchanged since his beginnings. Gaia made him perfect from the start, so he is immune to time.

  • Background Cost: 3


Shark grants his Menehune children two points in Brawl and an extra point of Stamina. They lose one point of Charisma, however. They are usually left unharmed by the Rokea.


His Menehune children must defend the seas as his territory and destroy anyone or anything that harms it.

Garou Traits & Ban[]


There is no animal that evokes more fear and horror in humanity than Shark. Emotionless and alien, Shark is a lethal and silent hunter. Packs adopted by Shark may be better received by Rokea, but don’t count on it.

  • Background Cost: 6


  • Individual Traits: The children of Shark receive one point of temporary Glory each, and learn how to bite with exceptional power, doing two dice more of damage than normal. 
  • Pack Traits: Shark’s packs also receive one point of Strength and two extra dice of Stealth.


Shark cannot abide those who show either pleasure or distress from killing.

