White Wolf Wiki

Shadow Walker is a Homid Ragabash Wendigo. While never stated as a Homid in Monkeywrench! Pentex, it was listed that he can use Homid Gifts on his Promotional Rage card.

Shadow Walker wounded Harold Zettler and killed Elliot Meiche, Robert Allred and Frederick Kromrich in 1993.[1]


Shadow Walker, the valiant Garou who killed three major Pentex executives, is a Wendigo Ragabash. He is an unlikely terrorist. Normally opposed to such activities, he was thrown into a rage when his pack was destroyed by a Pentex-ordained wolf-hunting excursion in Alaska.

Joined by other Garou who had suffered similar losses, Shadow Walker planned his revenge against the megacrop. It was only by chance that he met with the WereHacker's Monkeywrenchers. With their hacking expertise, he was able to gain just the right information needed to slip through the Penumbra and bypass Pentex's security. With the help of a Monkeywrencher's fetish, the guardian Banes were thrown into confusion long enough for Shadow Walker's gang to get in, do their deed, and get out.

This unprecedented success has greatly impressed the Get of Fenris of the New York area, who have invited Shadow Walker to be honored by them. The latest word is that he has accepted. However, should Pentex hear of this, and discover the time and place, it will throw everything it has at the Get encampment, to enact its revenge.


The photo used in Monkeywrench! Pentex is of Mike Davis' Garou costume from Gen Con '93.

Special Thanks[]



  1. WTA: Monkeywrench! Pentex, p. 17, 19-20