Shadow Names are the names Mages use among themselves.
When a newly awakened Mage enters the complex society of orders and consilia, he is strongly advised to use a so called Shadow Name. Names -True Names in particular- have power, because they are a connection to the entity they denote. An enemy that can't be accurately named is an enemy that can't be easily targeted with magic. A mage uses his shadow name the same way an attendee of a masquerade ball uses a mask. Not only does it hide his true self, it also facilitates the mage's taking on a different persona, ideally one that is better suited for working magic.
Shadow Names can be anything that fits for the mage. Myths and religions are common sources, as well as history, philosophy and anything else that the mage associates with himself. It is possible to control a Shadow Name, over time and through great acts — to influence what it means and who it makes you — but the more famous the name, the more gravity attached to its meaning, the harder that feat is[1]. As a wise old master tells his students, “Don’t pick Odin for your Shadow Name if you are overly fond of both your eyes."
- ↑ MTAw: Mage: The Awakening Second Edition, p. 292