The Shaal Fragment is a piece of the Book of Nod that is not normally found within the traditional Aristotle de Laurent copy of the text. It was given to Beckett by Sejanus. In his notes on the text, Beckett mentions that "Shaal" means "to ask" in Hebrew.[1]
According to Sejanus, "Shaal Fragment makes reference to the importance of a text named The Book of Chaos in the Underworld"[2].
Text of the Fragment[]
And when She made preparation to return, and the world broke in two.
The Childer of Caine on one side, The Childer of Lilith on the other, And it was Gehenna.
They named her Shaal for her questions, Though her names were many and maddening to hear.
The Childer's Childer recognized opportunity in chaos. Arikel sought unity, Ashur sought divinity, Loz sought war, Malakai sought peace.
Malkav sought wisdom through bargain with Ilyes, Who told his brother, "Your wisdom shall come with the centuries of madness, Allowed to purify into something whole, The vitae of the mad will pour afresh in years to come. The old forms shall wither on the vine, And declare the end times. Only the children of Enoch, Shall see the new age."
The breaking of the world near complete, The sacrifice of a generation prevented Shaal's Gehenna. She would try again, And again. Each time a new sacrifice, More burdensome than the last.
Malkav's blood shall pour forth, The Book of Chaos in the Underworld written, To prevent Shaal's Gehenna. Sargon's get will understand, But they will not share their understanding. The Brides of the Dragon will understand, But their fee will be high.
Her hatred is as the phases of the moon. Gehenna follows the path of Her ire.
Beckett's commentary[]
1. If She is “returning,” who is She? The Crone, perhaps? Zillah?
2. Not the first time I’ve seen a reference to the childer of Lilith. No reason the Clans may not have separate progenitors, ultimately.
3. Shaal is “to ask” in Hebrew.
4. Most Toreador I know of revel in disharmony. A shame they’ve fallen so far from the tree.
5. Could this be a reference to Cappadocius?
6. This name is unknown to me.
7. As is this one. Loz and Malakai could be childer or grandchilder of Lilith, of course.
8. Ilyes is one name I’ve seen given to the Brujah Antediluvian. Not a typical recourse for wisdom.
9. Far too much ambiguity in this statement for my tastes.
10. Could this be why the Second Generation fell?
11. If this truly is a part of the Book of Nod, it’s the only one to refer to multiple Gehenna events.
12. A Malkavian is said to have penned the Book of the Grave-War. Was he compelled to do so by an elder of his bloodline?
13. If the Dragon is Dracula (as was once assumed), a trip to his castle may be in order.
- ↑ VTM: Beckett's Jyhad Diary, p. 57-58
- ↑ VTM: Beckett's Jyhad Diary, p. 55