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The Serpent Amphora Cycle Book 2: The Serpent & The Scepter is a sourcebook for the Scarred Lands d20 campaign setting, and the third part of the Serpent Amphora Cycle.


From DriveThruRPG:

The Cycle Continues
Armed with the lore gained from ancient ruins, the heroes venture forth to discover the True Ritual that will allow them to destroy the unwholesome Serpent Amphora and its contents. This may prove more difficult than anticipated, however, for the dead harbor many secrets... and they are often loathe to give them up.
Usable alone or as part of the ongoing Serpent Amphora Cycle, The Serpent & The Scepter is an adventure for characters of 4th-5th level. The Cycle begins with The Serpent Amphora, which is available as a free download on this site.
This Sword & Sorcery™ book is published under the Open Game License and is 100% compatible with 3rd Edition rules and the d20 System.




Chapter 1: Audience with the Archfiend[]

Chapter 2: The Tomb of Marilvaz the Scribe[]

Chapter 3: Something Wicked[]

Appendix: Feats, Spells and Rituals[]


Memorable Quotes[]




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SL: Scarred Lands Gazetteer: Termana Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
Game Books
Scarred Lands books
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SL: Hornsaw: Forest of Blood Buy it from DriveThruRPG!