Serif, born Theodora, is an Anarch Ravnos who operates in the Bronx borough of New York. She and her coterie have domain over the neighborhood of Port Morris.
Serif is the daughter of an art gallery owner in Manhattan, originally raised by both her mother Alisha and her future sire Argus, the former of which has been a ghoul since before she was born. Serif herself was Embraced on Valentine's Day by Argus, after which she soon realized the true nature of her "family" and fled. A talented artist, Serif would become a rather prolific figure within New York's street art scene, forming a reputation as a sort of Banksy-like figure within the Bronx borough. She first attracted the attention of the greater Anarch Movement when she accidentally tagged a building belonging to the Brujah crime boss Richter. For this perceived violation of domain, she'd be paired with a group of other fledglings in an ad-hoc coterie by Richter, doing odd jobs for the Brujah as a way of "paying back their rent".
Serif would learn quite a bit about Kindred existence as part of her new coterie, even tentatively reaching out to Argus to learn more about her Clan. She'd also make the acquaintance of the Thin-Blood Francis in a scheme to potentially free her mother from the blood bond.
Serif's art is by all accounts a hot new commodity within the New York art scene, with the gallery owner Carabao even going so far as to display an entire slab of concrete marked with her graffiti at the Frosted Glass - a high-end showroom in Chelsea.
- Serif is the player character of actress Mayanna Berrin, a member of the main cast of the live-play chronicle Vampire: The Masquerade: New York By Night.
- "Serif" is a Turkish diminutive of the biblical term 'Seraphim' - which translates as 'burning ones' in Hebrew. This is somewhat topical given the V5 Ravnos' Clan Curse, which causes them to spontaneously combust if they rest in the same location more than one night. Serif herself, however, continually insists it's a "stage name" referencing the Sans-serif typeface.