White Wolf Wiki

The Sept of the Waking Dream is a Uktena caern located in the Australian Outback, Australia.[1]


Katajuta was first established when the Uktena Philodox Calls-to-the-Night attempted to follow a Moon Bridge to Uluru. Balked at the end of her long journey, she could not forget the feelings of pain and great power she had sensed before being rebuffed. Journeying with several companions, she undertook the dangerous sea voyage necessary to reach Australia. When the group arrived in the Outback in the mid-nineteenth century, they were shocked to discover how many of the aborigines were Kinfolk to the lost Bunyip. None of the Bunyip, however, were found. Thinking of the Croatan tribe - the lost brothers of the Uktena - Calls-to-the-Night howled at her loss as the Uktena and Wendigo mourned their lost brothers. They vowed to solve the mystery of the Bunyip.

Sept Members[]

  • Runs-with-Ghosts, Uktena Theurge Sept Leader
  • Lamurun, Uktena Philodox Warder
  • Kooasca-Ki, Uktena Galliard Banetender
  • Elspeth Nametaker, Uktena Theurge Earth Guide Master of the Rite
  • Bathes-in-Blood, Uktena Ahroun Gatekeeper and Master of the Challenge
  • Leaps-the-Wind, Uktena Homid Galliard Guardian
  • Biting Fang, Uktena Lupus Ahroun Guardian
  • Kwik-Kwik, Uktena Ragabash Lupus Keeper of the Land
  • Wanambi, Uktena Ragabash Lupus[2]
  • Adoni Starfire, Uktena Theurge Metis Elder


