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White Wolf Wiki

The Sept of the Painted Sands is a Wendigo caern located in Mesa del Lobo, Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona.[1]

Tribebook: Uktena mentions that this Sept fell recently and that the Roadrunner Sept now guards it.[2]


The caern was established to aid the Garou defenders of the Navajo during the war against the United States in 1863. As the forces of Kit Carson and General James Carleton raided deep into Navajo territory, several septs of Navajo Garou gathered at Mesa del Lobo and performed the Rite of Caern Opening. Several days of preparation preceded the rite. The shamans gathered the sands, seeds and other components of a large (20' x 20') sand painting portraying the spirits to be invoked.

Beginning at the instant of sundown, and continuing until dawn, the shamans created the sand painting depicting the Twin Heroes, Howls-at-Death, the chief shaman, chanted all night, aided by sacred smoke and peyote. As the sun rose in the east, the Hero Twins manifested to Howls-at-Death, lending their strength and endurance to the Garou.

Sept Members[]

  • Tania Ear-to-the-Earth, Wendigo Sept Leader
  • Red Stone Water, Wendigo Master of the Challenge
  • John Big Fish, Wendigo Master of the Rite
  • Michael George, Wendigo Caern Warder
  • Iron Horse Walker, Wendigo Keeper of the Land
  • Longstar, Wendigo Gatekeeper
  • Janice Clear-Drink, Wendigo Guardian
  • Ann Susan Black Horse, Wendigo Guardian
  • Glass Bird, previous Wendigo Sept leader of the Painted Sands: deceased
  • One-Ear Snarls, Wendigo, previous holder of the Master of the Rite post
  • Old Dog, Wendigo


