White Wolf Wiki

The Sept of the Mother and the Sacred King is a level 1 multi-tribal caern in the Fitzroy and Treasury Gardens, Melbourne, Australia.[1]


The center of this caern is marked by a statue of the goddess Artemis, standing amid a small pool in the Fitzroy Gardens. Supplicants who come here will occasionally be granted visions.

A narrow road separates the caern's surrounding parkland from Treasury Gardens, where stands a memorial to assassinated U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Many Black Furies claim Kennedy was an aspect of the Sacred King, the ritually slain consort of the Mother Goddess.

The sept is led by Voula Kostikidas, a metis Black Fury. The sept is the only urban caern guarded by a Black Fury. The rest of the sept are, like their leader, outcasts and outsiders.

Moodai, the caern's totem, is a possum spirit linked with the moon. The Fitzroy Gardens are home to many possums, some of which are albino. These animals are regarded by the sept as Moodai's special children.

Sept Members[]

