White Wolf Wiki

The Sept of the Blood Fist is a Get of Fenris caern in the Black Forest of Germany.[1]


The Sept was established on the very spot where the sept's original founders fought off the invading forces of the Holy Roman Empire in the years between 9 B.C. and 9 A.D.

The great stone at the center of the caern lists seven names: Torragash the Slayer, Walkarn the Sword-Breaker, Baldur Bright-Fang, Lorkush Thunderhowl, Boshtagg Mountain Breaker, Londis Fenris-Pup and one name that appears to have been deliberately scratched away some centuries ago. No one at the caern will discuss the missing name, and anyone asking too many questions will be invited to leave. The lucky ones leave alive.

W5 Timeline[]

When the Cult of Fenris fell to hauglosk in the midst of the Era of Apocalypse, the members of the Sept of the Blood Fist left it undefended when pursuing hostile spirits into the Umbra. The multi-tribal sept that arose to hold it stands vigilant against the Wyrm, but its members also know that Fenrir werewolves are sure to return some night and attempt to retake what they believe still to be theirs.[2]

Sept Members[]


