White Wolf Wiki

The Sept of Ichijyo Modoribashi is a Hakken/Kitsune caern located in Kyoto, Japan.[1]


The Ichijyo Modoribashi Bridge Caern encompasses the adjacent Seimei Shrine and has traditionally been the territory of the Kitsune, or "Nine-Tails", a race of werefoxes. In 1945, however, the Hakken, a clan of Japanese Shadow Lords who lost their battle against the Kindred in Tokyo, fled to Kyoto and the safety of the caern. The Kitsune and the Hakken recognized that they had a common enemy and formed an alliance against the vampires. They rule the caern together as a coalition.

The Shadow Lords have tried several unsuccessful takeover attempts over the years on the caern.

The Kitsune and Hakken have since signed a truce with the Bushi.

Sept Members[]


