The Sept of Anvil Klaiven is a caern run by Karin Jarlsdottir. It was formerly run by her father, Magni Mountain-breaker.
Sept Members[]
- Karin Jarlsdottir - Jarl/Grand Elder
- Mountainsides - Warder
- Wavecrest - Gatekeeper
- Brand Garmson - Former Warder, Ice Wind Pack
- Sören Hospitaler - Galliard
- Thijs
- Aeric Bleeds-Only-Ice - Ice Wind Pack
- Jorn Gnaws-Steel - Ice Wind Pack
- Fangs-First - Ice Wind Pack
- Mars-Rising - Ice Wind Pack
- Fimbulwinter - Ice Wind Pack
- Cries Havoc - Fosterling
- Arne Brandson, "Arne Wyrmbane" - Died
- Ulfwain Klaivefather - Sept Founder
- Three-Day-Stone - Get of Fenris, the Old Jarl of the Sept of Anvil-Klaiven, Died
- WTA: Tribe Novels: Shadow Lords & Get of Fenris, p. 150-287
- WTA: Tribe Novels: Silent Striders & Black Furies
- WTA: Tribe Novels: Red Talons & Fianna
- WTA: Tribe Novels: Bone Gnawers & Stargazers
- WTA: Tribe Novels: Children of Gaia & Uktena
- WTA: Tribe Novels: Silver Fangs & Glass Walkers
- WTA: Tribe Novels: Black Spiral Dancers & Wendigo
- WTA: Tribebook: Get of Fenris, p. 99-100