White Wolf Wiki

Senile-Bear-Spirit (Old Dullfang, Lifir Lilthimsa) is a Forest-Spirit.


There can be few fates worse in the world than losing one's mind. To know you were once vital and alive, capable of so much more than you are now - that is surely the height of despair. Sadly, such a fate is not limited to humans. Spirits occasionally experience such things as well, often as a result of some great trauma. Such is the case with the senile-bear-spirit.

At one time, this bear-spirit was like any other; it claimed a spirit Glade as its own, sought to consume other bear-spirits to increase its power and eventually hoped to inherit guardianship of a much larger Glade - the whole of its forest home. Unfortunately, such was not to be; thanks to a combination of human interference and untimely natural disasters, the spirit's Glade was completely destroyed, and the spirit's dreams of spiritual ascension permanently derailed. Madness is all that is left to it now.

Old Dullfang is hostile and unpredictable; it will lash out at anyone who approaches it, rending them to pieces with supernaturally potent claws. It cannot be appeased, for its dreams and desires are little more than ashes now. A sufficiently motivated Uratha pack might be able to bind it to a new spirit Glade, but even that is a challenge of heroic proportions; the bear's madness has consumed it utterly, making recovery all but impossible.


Rank: 3
Attributes: Power 9, Finesse 7, Resistance 9
Willpower: 18
Essence: 20 (max 20)
Initiative: 16
Defense: 9
Speed: 22
Size: 7
Corpus: 16
Influences: Madness *** (Note that applying its influences will generally be an unconscious act; the bear hasn't the wits to act with any real intent.)
Numina: Death Grip, Discorporation, Forest Communion, Harrow, Materialize, Material Vision, Rage Armor, Savage Rending, Wilds Sense

  • Death Grip: As the three-dot Full Moon Gift.
  • Forest Communion: As the three-dot Nature Gift. This Numen is activated with a -4 penalty given the bear's current state.
  • Rage Armor: As the four-dot Full Moon Gift.
  • Savage Rending: As the four-dot Father Wolf Gift.

Ban: The spirit's madness has effectively become its ban. Clarity of thought is denied Old Dullfang until someone manages to calm its insanity.


