Seeds of Tomorrow is an SAS for the Scion gameline. The story is set upon someone who is able to detect Scions-to-be, before they realize what they are.
From the Onyx Path catalog:
- Children Are Our Future
- Before the Visitation of a Scion’s divine parent, the Scion in question is mortal, and as vulnerable to physical, mental and emotional danger as any other child. Yet they are also potential sources of great power, and (to those who might be able to identify them as such) prospective pawns.
- Someone has developed a way to detect such Scions-to-be, and is poised to take full advantage of them in a way that could change the War forever. Opposing forces are in place to reap a harvest of power in these children and turn it to their own ends, depriving their divine parents of aid and possibly allowing the Titans to gain the upper hand.
- A story in the Storytelling Adventure System for Scion.
- Seeds of Tomorrow contains a collection of scenes, Storyteller character records, a number of hyperlinks to various portions of the text as well as bookmarks, so you can always jump right to what you need with just a click. It is inspired by the Scion Companion, but that book is not required to use Seeds of Tomorrow.
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