Scuttlers are spirit-servants of C'et. They usually take the form of crabs or hard-shelled mollusks.
General Stats[]
Rage 4, Gnosis 6, Willpower 6, Power 25
Charms: Control Electrical Systems, Solidify Reality, Spirit Static
Sample Scuttler[]
Pearl Keepers
Rage 3, Gnosis 8, Willpower 5, Essence 16
Charms: Reform, Realm Sense, Armor
Image: These spirits resemble giant oysters or clams. Each of these guardian spirits holds a pearl, similar to the pearls that C'et herself is supposed to have created so many years ago. Anyone who takes such a pearl can learn a great deal (in game terms, possession of a pearl bestows knowledge of Science, Crafts, or even Linguistics). This knowledge can be accessed via a Gnosis roll (difficulty 7); each success grants a dot of the appropriate trait for one scene. However, using the pearl too often (Storyteller's discretion) tends to make the user more inclined towards serving C'et.
- WTA: Rokea, p. 17, 94
- WOD: Blood-Dimmed Tides, p. 26, 99-100
- WTA/cMET: Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 4, p. 145, 213