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Scryer are Banes that spy on others in the physical world from the Umbra.


Scryers are a weak type of Bane whose only apparent purpose is to spy on targets for stronger Banes. They are rewarded with Power, and this their loyalty is absolute.


Scryers vary widely in form, but all are thin and fleshy, easily pulled apart if caught. In all cases their eyes are the most distinctive parts of their forms, whether the eyes are beady, bulbous, luminescent, catlike, compound, camera lenses, digital, or what have you, but they are always visually unusual and incongruous with the rest of its form. They sometimes appear as fly-spirits with oversized eyes, or as vigilant bird-spirits, again with dominant eyes. Sometimes, a Scryer in its spirit-form is just a single floating eye. Their bodies may be animal, or may be possessed machinery, such as a drone, security camera, or even the peephole of a door in a “haunted house.”

Subjects in the physical realm may not see a Scryer while it peeks at them unless the use either of the Gifts: Pulse of the Invisible or Umbral Sight. Certain Garou with Gnosis of 7 or higher may feel an uneasy feeling of "being watched" when beneath the Scryer's gaze. This unease may become extreme after long periods of time. Garou without the Gifts necessary to find their tormentors may even be driven slowly mad by constant observation. The gaze of a Scryer may tickle, tingle, or even burn one who can feel it, though this is a sensation only and does no physical damage.


First Edition[]

Rage 2, Willpower 4, Gnosis 7, Power 30
Charms: Airt Sense, Reform, Report (A mental link to its master; Power Cost 1/turn), Scry (Power Cost 1/scene; allows the Bane to "peek" into the material world and use the Gift: Scent of the True Form)

Second Edition[]

Rage 2, Gnosis 7, Willpower 4, Power 30
Charms: Airt Sense, Reform, Report (maintains a mental link to the Scryer's patron for one Power per turn), Scry (costs one power per scene; allows the Bane to "peel" into the material world and use the Gift: Scent of the True Form to observe those it sees there)

Fifth Edition[]

  • Power: 1–3
  • Exceptional Dice Pools: Awareness +10


