Scott M. Fischer is an artist who has illustrated collectible card games and Werewolf: The Wild West books. In addition to his work for White Wolf, his art is featured in Magic: the Gathering. See examples of his World of Darkness artwork.
Card Art[]
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle[]
- 2019: VTES: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle 25th Anniversary
- 2019: VTES: Sabbat Preconstructed
- 2019: VTES: First Blood
- 2008: VTES: Keepers of Tradition
- 2008: VTES: Blood Shadowed Court
- 2006: VTES: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Third Edition
- 2003: VTES: Black Hand
- 2003: VTES: Anarchs
- 2002: VTES: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Camarilla Edition
- 2001: VTES: Final Nights
- 2000: VTES: Sabbat War
- 1996: VTES: Sabbat
Rage: Tribal War[]
- 1999: Rage: Rage Across Las Vegas: Equinox (Body Shift and Wakshaani.)
- 1999: Rage: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 6 (Body Shift, Call of the Wyrm: Subjugation of Gaia, Hoofpaw and Shroud.)
- 1998: Rage: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 5 (Body Shift and Wakshaani.)
- 1998: Rage: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 4 (Body Shift and Smoke Dancer.)
- 1998: Rage: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 3 (Don't Even Try, Dugal Steady-Hand, Fellwar the Cursed, Song of Intuition, Wakshaani, Well Prepared and Zin-Shaar.)
- 1998: Rage: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 2 (Pipe Bomb and Robert Maurer.)
- 1998: Rage: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 1 (All-Out Assault: There You Are!!!, Body Shift, Call Out the Cannibal, Greet the Sun, Resist Pain and Song of Rage.)
Rage: Apocalypse[]
- 2006: Rage: Rage's Least Wanted Set (Friends in High Places)
- 1996: Rage: Legacy of the Tribes (Don Campisi, Foreclosure, Grimm Brings-Blood, Kelly Brounard, Roofwalker, Tech Speak, The Black Room and Web Drive Interface.)
- 1996: Rage: War of the Amazon (Battle of Screaming Mud, Cataclysm, Distracting Spirits, Environmental Action Group and Panthesilea.)
- 1995: Rage: Wyrm Set (A Bus Full of People, Airt Mastery, Angus, The White Howler, Bob Goldstein, Ace Reporter, Corporate Credit Card, Corporate Take-over, Family Pet, FBI Agent, Friends in High Places, Garou Kinfolk, Old One-Eye, Pentex Executive and Limousine, Pipe Bomb, Subjugation of Gaia, There You Are!!!, Vigilante and Wyrm Hide.)
- Promotional Cards: (1995: A Bus Full of People)
- 1996: Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt (Bad Luck, Brilliant Strategy, Capture the Traitor, Cityboy, Gauntlet of Herculean Strength, Gnome's Brew, Lightning Quick, Reconnaissance Mission, Spike Trap and The Silver Tongue.)
Interior Art[]
- 1998: WTWW: Ghost Towns
- 1997: WTWW: Frontier Secrets
- 1997: WTWW: Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook
- 1996: Rage: Rage: Warriors of the Apocalypse
- Frank, Jane. A Biographical Dictionary: Role-Playing Game and Collectible Card Game Artists. North Carolina: McFarland & Company Inc. 2012.
- Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art. Underwood Books. (1995-2008: Books #2-#15.)