The Savage Jungle is a domain within Arcadia. It is part of the Untamed Wilds.
A true embodiment of the viciousness of nature, the Savage Jungle is a brutal place, where flora and fauna are locked in a constant battle for survival. Most creatures here, strangely, lack the ability to utilize the Wyrd — the primary advantage changelings have in the domain. However, unstoppable creatures known as “horrors”, capable of sensing the use of Glamour, litter the jungle. Using Contracts recklessly will only draw the horrors to the caster. The True Fae themselves live on mesas which rise high above the jungle, and they only descend to steal away a changeling from the jungle.
Unsurprisingly, this realm fosters an intense sense of cooperation among the changelings trapped here. They form motleys and villages, building their laws with the understanding that exile, one of the harshest of their penalties, means certain death. Most changelings are Ogres; Beasts, particularly Hunterhearts; and Wizened Soldiers and Woodwalkers.
- CTL: Equinox Road, p. 120