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Savage Attack: A Players Guide to Rage is the first strategy guide for the collectible card game Rage. This book covers the rules and cards in the Rage Basic Set, which was published by White Wolf and The Upper Deck Company.


From the White Wolf catalog:

A howl travels across the fields at night — the call to battle. Werewolves from all corners of the Earth leave their hidden glens to join the combat. They struggle for supremacy against the hordes of the devouring Wyrm, weird creatures from the Umbra and their own kind. With spirits their allies and claws their weapons, only one pack will win. One pack to lead the Garou in the final war of the Apocalypse...
It's time to get down and dirty like no card game has before. This is going to get ugly. You control a pack of werewolves in the fight for dominance, the struggle to rule the other Garou. Send your werewolves against other players' packs and tear them to bloody shreds. But don't just rely on claws; your warriors must vote in tribal councils, ally with spirits and equip themselves with magical fetishes. Savage Attack brings the Rage card game to life and helps you understand the magical and dangerous world of the Garou.
Savage Attack includes:
  • Strategy play and tips, with new rules recommendations;
  • A guide to the werewolves' World of Darkness;
  • A comic book and short story revealing the struggles of the Garou.



By Bill Bridges.

Designer's Notes[]

By Mike Tinney.

Little Windows Into a Big World[]

By Stephan Wieck.

Enemy of My Enemy[]

A comic book story illustrating what happens when Garou fight Garou. Story by Sam Inabinet and art by Brian LeBlanc.

Chapter One: How to Wump 'Em Good[]

Play hints and gaming strategies.

A comparative analysis of entertainment-oriented strategies and variants for Rage by Andrew Greenberg

Chapter Two: Into the Woods[]

The world of Werewolf: The Apocalypse.

By Brian Campbell and Robert Hatch.

Chapter Three: Stories with Style[]

Add a dash of storytelling to your card games.

By Brian Campbell.


A Rage short story. In a hostile world, it's blood ties that really matter.

By Teeuwynn.

Appendix One: Rules[]

The complete rules for Rage.

  • Coming Attractions
    • The Umbra "The first card supplement for Rage, scheduled for release in August."
    • The Wyrm "Coming in December, this card supplement takes you to the other side of the battle."


Appendix Two: Card List[]

A complete card list, including all the promo cards.

Included are all 321 cards and the Get Medieval card which appeared in White Wolf Inphobia Magazine #54.

Appendix Three: Errata and FAQ[]

All erroneous and misleading text and graphics have been corrected for the Unlimited printing.

Background Information[]

The ad at the back at the book is for The Umbra expansion.

Memorable Quotes[]

"We began designing the game in late October [1994] with the intent to finish the design by the end of the year." - Mike Tinney, Pg. 7

"I'm not just any Bone Gnawer. I am the Great and Powerful Banana Split! Bearer of the Sacred Spoon of Baltimore! Conqueror of the Manhattan Arcade! Rollerblading Champion of Central Park! Look on my works, ye wealthy, and despair!" - Pg. 130



Apocalypse, Auspice: Ahroun, Galliard, Philodox, Ragabash, Theurge; Baba Yaga, Bane, Bastet, Black Belch Pack (BSD), Black Spiral Dancers, Blight, Breed: Homid, Lupus, Metis; Caerns, Celestine, Challenges: Duel, Facedown, Gamecraft; Crinos, Delirium, Domain, Dreamspeakers, Enemy, Fetish, Fomori, Gaffling, Gaia, Gangrel, Garou, Gift, Glory, Gnosis, Guardian, Gurahl, Harano, Health, Helios, Hive, Homid (Form), Honor, Hunting Grounds, Impergium, Incarna, Iteration X, Jaggling, Kailindo, Kinfolk, Klaive, The Litany, Luna, Lune, Lupus (Form), Mage, Mokolé, Moon Bridge, Moot, New World Order, New York, Nosferatu, Pack, Pentex, Progenitors, Rage, Ratkin, Renown, Rite, Rite of Passage, Ronin, Russia, Samuel Haight, San Diego Zoo, Sept, Sept of the Green, Sept of the Western Eye, Skindancers, Spirit, Technocracy, Technomancers, The Thirteen Tribes: Black Furies, Bone Gnawers, Children of Gaia, Fianna, Get of Fenris, Glass Walkers, Red Talons, Shadow Lords, Silent Striders, Silver Fangs, Stargazers, Uktena, Wendigo; Totem, Trait, Umbra, Vampire, Veil, War of Rage, Weaver, Wisdom, Wyld, Wyrm, Yellowstone,


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