White Wolf Wiki

Salmon is a Totem of Wisdom.


There was a legend among the Celts that held the oceans as the barrier between this world and the next. Fish, dolphins, and other aquatic denizens became the messengers between the two worlds. Of these creatures, none knew secrets and magic like Salmon. When Salmon swam down the Boyne River, he was imbued with great wisdom, a gift that would be passed on to whoever ate him first. Salmon was caught by the bard Finnegas, and then given to his apprentice Fionn Mac Cumhaill to cook. When Fionn touched Salmon’s flesh, he was given magic powers.

Those Garou who follow Salmon obviously do not believe Salmon died there, but instead made a clever bargain with Fionn, bestowing those magic powers in exchange for being freed. He makes a similar bargain with his children, offering powers in exchange for service.

  • Background Cost: 7

Traits & Ban[]


  • Individual Traits: Salmon teaches his children the secrets he learned on the Boyne, granting each of his children both two extra dots of Rituals and two extra dots of the Rites Background
  • Pack Traits: Packs sponsored by Salmon step sideways at -1 difficulty.


Salmon asks his children to accomplish a specific task once a year, and this task varies each year. Tasks often seem trivial (“Place a single copper coin on the edge of the Thames at exact dawn on the twenty-third of March.”) but often end up serving a much larger purpose.

