White Wolf Wiki

Saha-Ur, the Silent Huntress is a Apocryphal Lunar Patron or Maslunim.



<<Throaty growl.>>

Saha-Ur appears as a beautiful human huntress, naked, covered in blood. She sometimes takes the form of animals: an eagle, wolf, tiger, doe or bear. These forms glow with a silver flame or exist as the deepest shadow, seemingly two-dimensional. During a half-moon, her form may be a disconcerting combination of shadow and silver flame. Saha-Ur embodies the hunt, vengeance and primal might.

Saha-Ur rarely speaks, and when she does it sounds like the roar of a predator. She has the ability to protect and read thoughts and emotion, though for one so beautiful, she misinterprets erotic advances as challenges or threats and responds as any wild spirit would - violently.

She is the goddess of the wild, the pure and yet brutal face of nature. Saha-Ur also controls the weather and has ties to the elements as well. Though Saha-Ur is far quicker to judge humankind as an enemy than Dakulna, she also protects the innocent, favoring women (especially virgins), the elderly and all children. It is not true to say that she hates all men, but she does not trust them and has no compunctions about hunting men.

Some say that Saha-Ur was once a spirit of beauty that lured away one of Luna's lovers. In response, Luna turned Saha-Ur into a creature completely devoid of lust - it is Saha-Ur's ban to inspire lust, but know nothing of its nature or fulfillment. During the time of Pangaea, Dire Wolf once hunted with Saha-Ur, but he poisoned their friendship by first courting her, and then by attempting to take Saha-Ur by force. This has made what could have been a powerful ally of the Pure into a relentless foe, especially of Dire Wolf's chosen, the Predator Kings.

Saha-Ur has no particular home, hunting in the Shadow of the most unspoiled places of the Earth. She and Dakulna have some unspoken bond, though not quite friendship, and she is often found in the primordial forests that encircle his lands where their broods practice terrifying rituals in honor of Luna.

Saha-Ur might easily sponsor a crusade against the Pure, especially one provoked by the Predator Kings and preferably headed by a female. Luna may also call for a crusade for any suitable act of revenge, and have it sponsored by Saha-Ur.

Her brood is made up of nature- (weather and predator animals) and elemental-spirits, Ralunim (the Full Moon Choir), Cahalunim (the Gibbous Moon Choir), Irralunim (the New Moon Choir) and spirits of wrath and revenge.

Chiminage: Ritual hunts

