Saensaeng, or Earth Dragons, is an order of the Dalou'laoshi dedicated to maintaining art, honor, and cultural purity in the face of globalization. They hide within Iteration X, a Convention of the Technocratic Union.
To the Saensaeng, asian (particulary Japanese) culture is the pinnacle of human development. Western Culture is anathema that must be resisted at all cost. Western technology, on the other hand, can easily be incorporated into traditional frameworks, provided it is done carefully.
The Saensaeng use chi harvested from the earth or cultivated within themselves through adherence to ancient traditions to build works of beauty. Their concept of beauty emcompasses both traditional arts as well as traditional warfare, with several Earth Dragons practicing sword forms that date back to the 12th century and refuse any modern ones.
Saensaeng mainly practice the Sphere of Forces, particulary its more subtle effects.
The Saensaengs organization has a distinctive military feel. They are lead by four generals, who oversee the rest of the order with the aid of special officiers that are raised in times of need. Most Saensaeng are part of family lines that have been members of the order for centuries, often intermarrying to keep their bloodline pure.
While a splinter of the Saensaeng remained in Japan after World War II and live among the imperial court (with Emperor Akihito being rumored to be part of their order), the gros of their numbers have relocated to Korea, plotting their eventual return.
The fact that most Earth Dragons are raised in families that have been part of the order for generation makes them extremly loyal. Raised with strict codes of honor and high expectations from their families, it is nearly impossible for an Earth Dragon to betray his order.
The Saensaeng claim to have been the first who molded the earth according to their designs, shaping the first clay cups and constructing the first houses. They also take credit for much of the cultural developments of Japan, ranging from bushido to traditional flower arrangements. To preserve this traditions is paramount, and many Saensaeng take their time to educate people about their ancient traditions.
For ages, the Earth Dragons worked to keep their original home, Japan, closed from the rest of the world. Cooperating with the Zaibatsu, the Saensaeng defended what they regarded as the integrity and purity of their people. Even now, many Saensaeng are extremly xenophobic to be point of jingoism, disregarding any culture not of East Asian origin out of hand. The Saensaeng see the Zaibatsu as sell-outs and traitors for having adopted modern technology and Westernization, and rumors tie them to the Aum Shinrikyo terrorist attacks of the 1990s.
- MTAs: Dragons of the East , p. 105-110, 123-124