White Wolf Wiki

Sadie Brown was a patient of Bishopsgate Mental Asylum who believed that she was being hunted by supernatural beings she called the Hounds. She was being treated primarily by clinical psychologist Maggie Hyllel prior to entering a vegetative state that persisted until shortly before her death.


Brown was a high schooler caught up in a bizarre cultic group composed of a boy and four other girls. In addition to blood-based rituals, the boy would have sex with all of the other girls, something which would precipitate the use of the Hounds, which the boy seemed able to call. Brown contracted herpes from her sex with him, and when she tried to warn the other girls to get tested, the boy summoned the Hounds to attack her as she left school.

In escaping, she ran past a little boy whom the Hounds stopped to consume, letting her successfully flee. Her escape came at some physical cost, however, as her time at Bishopsgate, presumably due to the trauma she suffered, included a stint in physical therapy.

At some point, she came to staff member Gary Pilcher and fellow patient Nathan Sodagi with a plan to get the Hounds off of her trail. She wanted them to take her used pads and dump them far from Bishopsgate. She hoped that the scent of her blood would draw the beasts away.

Unfortunately, the other staff discovered the pads in Sodagi's locker and, on learning of the plan, refused to believe the group, despite Brown's attempts to defend the other two. Pilcher was fired and Sodagi was discharged, the latter being torn to pieces, presumably by the Hounds, shortly thereafter.

Following this, the Brown became withdrawn, only reacting to the threat of being discharged from Bishopsgate. On use of ECT for treatment, she entered a persistent vegetative state that only broke when a dog of some kind broke into her room, causing Brown to suffer a fatal heart attack.

