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Runcible Shaw is a Rabbit Pooka from the Kingdom of Pacifica.



Runcible Shaw, Chronicler of Peculiar Events, a.k.a. Runcible Pooka-Nose, Fuzzy Scholar, Troubadour Poet, and Pooka-at-Large, was at one time part of an oathcircle including Arthur Fishlips, Jack Troll, and Sarah. He sees himself as something of a scholar of the Autumn People and has compiled copious notes on them "at the behest of His Most Illustrious Fuzziness, the Grand Pooka."

Eloquent and sly, Runcible is something of a thief, but a sophisticated one. His quick wit is even sharper than his acquisition skills and he likes to sing funny songs.

He is the author of the children's book Mr. Bunny's Happy Day.

These days, he tends to spend his time trying to keep Arthur from falling into Banality.


  1. CTD. The Autumn People.
  2. CTD. Changeling: The Dreaming Second Edition, p. 95