White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Rudi is a Gangrel Anarch of Copenhagen, well-known for championing progressive causes. He is a popular ideologue and activist.


A new player on the Kindred scene, Rudi commands an impressive following as an Anarch representative for the oppressed and repressed minorities in vampire society. Though his concerns extend to kine as well, his recent entry into Kindred existence has shown him that the fights mortals must undertake for equality are just as pressing for immortals.

Rudi’s nightly life hasn’t changed much since the Embrace. He still makes his haven in Copenhagen, still hangs with the same friends, and still attends the same clubs. He has only expanded his concerns; in addition to advocating for fellow mortal minorities, he now champions Gangrel kept out of havens and feeding grounds by sprawl, stands up for female Kindred in cities run by traditionally misogynistic elders, and encourages the adoption of progressive norms over tradition wherever possible. Some might think Rudi’s combination of practicing Islam and unabashed queerness contradictory, but few challenge the “Bear Gangrel” with this notion.

Fast becoming the animale du jour, Rudi wins fellow discontented Kindred over with his targeted approach against elitists and Camarilla hardliners. Some European Princes fear he will lead a crusade in years to come, in an attempt to level the establishment.

He claims to have met the Setite methuselah Kemintiri, disguising as a young fledgling.


New player on the Kindred scene, Rudi commands an impressive following as an Anarch representative for the oppressed and repressed minorities in vampire society. Though his concerns extend to kine as well, his recent entry into Kindred existence has shown him that the fights mortals must undertake for equality are just as pressing for immortals.

Rudi's nightly life hasn't changed much since the Embrace. He still makes his haven in Copenhagen, still hangs with the same friends, and still attends the same clubs. He has only expanded his concerns; in addition to advocating for fellow mortal minorities, he now champions.


  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Newfound Rights: Flush with the success of the Gangrel clan's independence from the Camarilla, like Rudi, you find this freedom energizing. Once per story, when striking out against or decrying the establishment, you can reroll any one Skill test dice pool.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Them and Theirs: When supporting the disenfranchised or persecuted, you are the resolute champion. Perhaps you believe vampires can only persist successfully when supporting each other, or you believe a pack is only as strong as its weakest member, but at great self-sacrifice, you defend others. When a Touchstone of any member of your coterie comes under threat, your ears prick up and your hair stands on end.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Gangrel Advocate: As Rudi does in Northern Europe, many believe that you stand for Gangrel rights in your local domains, for good or ill. Gangrel react well to you; add one die to Social tests involving them. Although this reputation means that you speak for many, it also means that some hold you responsible for the actions of many. You can organize convocations and discreet truce meetings between Gangrel and Camarilla representatives with a successful Charisma + Politics test (Difficulty set by the Storyteller).
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet The Bear Pack: You are, or were, a member of the Bear Pack: hardcore Rudista Kindred who double as howling orators and fierce combatants. (Consider your fellow Bear Pack a three-dot Mawla group that actually likes getting in fights.) Once per story, these modern revolutionaries, including yourself, gain one automatic success whenever attempting to rouse Anarchs and disenfranchised mortals against the establishment. Members of the Bear Pack are feared throughout Camarilla domains, which might be both bane and boon, depending on who you talk to, and if they recognize you.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Rudi's Army: Rudi's Army comprises outsiders of all clans, all mortal colors, and creeds. You hold sway over an arm of this "paramilitary" force. You can call them to act against mortal or immortal governments in many ways, from staging peaceful protests outside a governor's home to organizing rallies against the leaders of oppressive groups. Large, unwieldy, and potentially dangerous, your brigade of the army gives you six dots to split among Allies, Influence, and Contacts that can be directed—but never fully controlled.

