The Royal Barony of Muirwood is a Fief in the Kingdom of Pacifica.
Most of what mortals call Marin County (except Mt. Tamalpais) has, since the 70s, been claimed as the royal fief by the Throne of Pacifica. Before that it was the home to a wild herd of unicorn chimera who still roam the area and bask in the genuine good-natured energy that seems to flow here.
Part of the reason behind this is, of course, the Royal Family D'Argent's own good-natured, metaphysical bent. That is what gives the fief its reputation for being so "laid back."
The Barony is ruled over by Baron Harold diMarcos, the charming and faithful Castellan of Caer Redwood, the royal seat. Caer Redwood is the site of many expensive and lavish parties when the queen is in town (and not visiting Caer Angeles to the south) and is still quite a hospitable place when she is not.
It is well known that the Prodigals known as the Garou inhabit the area of Mt. Tamalpais and the Muir Woods park. As well, nunnehi (affiliated with the ancient tribes of the Ohlone, the Miwok, and the Tlingit) have been known to gather in the area and make war on anyone who attempts to claim any of the powerful glades surrounding the mountain. After several bloody battles during the reign of King Sean, Queen Aeron wisely granted the nunnehi of the area sovereignty over the mountain and the park and named it a special protectorate all its own. Although the queen is loath to give up total claim over the protectorate because of the freehold-hungry northwestern dukes in Vancouver and Seattle, she is content to allow the nunnehi to hold it in perpetuity.
A general fiat has been issued that no citizen of Pacifica violate the borders of the protectorate on pain of exile. For some reason the local Garou there are very paranoid and anger easily. They also are reputed to have excellent relations with several tribes of nunnehi warriors.
Although the unicorns have long since gone into hiding, they have been seen running through the redwoods on Beltaine Eve and at Midsummer, and a few Kithain have claimed to have ridden on one (although usually after several draughts of faerie wine).
- CTD. Immortal Eyes: The Toybox, p. 37.