Rolf Toten was someone who briefly lived in LA in late 2004. His entry on Kilpatrick's Krime-puter says:
- Bond written 08/22/03 -- Immigration. Case#663321. Bond Amount: $15,000. Type of Bond: Collateral - Car, Red Lightningbird '77 (CA Plate #GUYCONI).
- Notes: Go back to Germania, pal. We don't take the Euro in these parts.
Rolf emigrated to the United States from Germany, and later met Lily on April 30. On May 31, 2003, Rolf Embraced her. As a result, she became a Thin Blood. He initially helped her, but dropped contact after she bailed him out of jail on August 22. Given that he was arrested due to the expiration of his visa, he may have been forced to leave the country.
Rolf's Clan is unknown, but he must be a high-generation vampire to sire a thin-blooded childe. Since Lily later managed to Embrace E, she must be no higher than 14th generation, so Rolf is most likely 13th generation.
Background Information[]
- "Töten" means "kill" or "death" in German. Totenkopf (literally "dead head") is the skull-and-crossbones.
- Although the base version of the game's quest log suggests that the Lightningbird was Rolf's car, it was Lily who put her car up as collateral in order to keep Rolf out of jail, hence why her diary is in the trunk.
- Arthur Kilpatrick's note indicating his desire for Toten to "go back to Germania" is a reference to The Simpsons season 7 episode "Much Apu About Nothing", where Nelson Muntz said this to German exchange student Üter Zörker.
- VTM: Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines - Kilpatrick's Krime-Puter
- VTM: Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines - Lily's Diary