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Rokea Fetishes are fetishes unique to the Rokea.


Rokea do not use fetishes often. For one thing, the process of crafting a tool or object is difficult for them; even the task of finding strap of leather to suspend a charm from a fin requires killing a seal or whale and saving some of the skin. Plus, the weresharks "everything-in-its-places" mentality doesn't usually drive them to ask a spirit to give up its free existence to inhabit a fetish.

With that in mind, there are a few fetishes that the Rokea see as useful enough to merit creation and recreation. Some examples are given here.

List of Rokea Fetishes[]

  • Coral Spear - Similar to a Fang Dagger and duplicates its effects.[1]
  • Sea's Garb - Level 1, Gnosis 6 - One of the Rokea's biggest problems when venturing into Unsea is that they swim ashore naked. Even if nude swimming is acceptable locally, getting off the beach can be difficult. To that end, a resourceful Dimwater developed the Sea's Garb fetish some years ago. Sea's Garb looks like a normal piece of human clothing (which means that to create the fetish, the Rokea must "obtain" an article of clothing). However, when activated, it dresses the Rokea in whatever is appropriate for the area and season. For example, a Rokea might swim ashore in California wearing only a short, but once the fetish is activated, he will be wearing a pair of denim shorts, sandals, and perhaps even sunglasses (if the player rolls well) in addition to the shirt. The clothes generated by this fetish are considered dedicated. The user cannot use this fetish to create an entire wardrobe; the clothes remain the same until she swims out to sea and comes back towards land. The Rokea has no control over what kind of clothes are created. To create a Sea's Garb, the Rokea must bind a stingray or eel-spirit into the clothing.
  • Marlin's Tail - Level 2, Gnosis 6 - Not actually a marlin's tail, this fetish normally takes the form of several marlin bones, strung together and worn around the waist 9this fetish is visible in Chasmus and Squamus forms as a row of protrusions around the shark's tail). The Rokea can activate the fetish to access the great speed and might of the fish, allowing her to double her swimming speed and the distance which she can leap from the water. Despite the name, this fetish can be created with the spirit of a swordfish or a mako shark as well as a marlin.
  • Barnacle Necklace - Level 3, Gnosis 6 - This fetish is exactly what the name implies, a barnacle strung on a piece of skin or leather and worn around the neck. The fetish, when activated, allows the Rokea to home in on any whaling or sharking vessels within (10 miles x activation successes). A barnacle-spirit must be bound into the necklace.
  • Net of Vengeance - Level 4, Gnosis 7 - Creating a Net of Vengeance requites the Rokea to steal a section of net from a fishing vessel. When imbued with the proper spirit, the net drowns anyone caught within it, no matter what medium they usually breathe. The Rokea must first entangle the target within the net (which requires a Dexterity + Melee roll, difficulty 7). The player must then roll to activate the fetish. If successful, anyone caught in the net begins to drown, as described in Werewolf, pg. 188. If they free themselves before they lose consciousness 9this requires an extended Strength + Athletics roll to tear free, or an Intelligence + Enigmas roll to work the nest loose, both difficulty 8, 10 successes required), they can begin to breathe normally. To create this fetish, the Rokea must bind both an air-spirit and a sea-spirit into the net.
  • Lightrock - Level 5, Gnosis 6 - For the most part, sharks don't operate on sight. Their sense of smell and ability to detect motion accurately compensates for any weaknesses of vision, so they are rarely bothered much by very dark environments. If you're working on the basis of "seek and destroy," after all, you really don't need to see any details - if it's dead, then it's dead. But sometimes a bit more planning is needed. In these cases, being able to see can be of great help, and the Lightrock assists. The Lightrock is fairly self-explanatory: It's a large rock bound with either a Lune (preferred by most), or a sun-spirit (more effective, but distrusted). When activated, the rock begins swimming after the Rokea, following it and staying close by. It shines light over the surrounding areas but with a motion can be sent away from the Rokea herself, allowing her to hide in shadows while still seeing ahead. One downside is that Lightrocks are easily destroyed, since they're obvious targets and not ever held by the Rokea. Defending a Lightrock can be an important priority in some battles. Once activated, they remain lit for one full day and one full night.
  • Black Hood - Level 5, Gnosis 7 - Few Rokea are pretty, at least not if they're sporting Long Fins. Though a few Betweeners have mastered some tricks to look decent over a very long period of time, some don't have the patience and others just haven't perfected it yet. Both can make tremendous use of a Black Hood. Little more than a cloth pocket (without even any eyeholes cut into it) bound with a brown moth-spirit, the Black Hood looks unimpressive. However, when worn over the head and activated, the Black Hood vanishes and immediately renders the Rokea completely nondescript. Actually picking the wearer out of a crowd requires a Wits + Alertness roll (difficulty 8), and trying to remember what he looked like later is all but impossible. The mask doesn't actually change the character's appearance, it simply dulls him to the scrutiny of others, signifying him as unimportant. Not does it make him invisible or stop others from paying attention to what he does - try to disable a security camera in plain view and you're no longer unimportant. The effects of the mask last until it's taken off, or until the Rokea does something to make himself impossible to overlook.
  • Ripper Blade - Level 5, Gnosis 7 - A singular and devastating weapon, there are very few ripper blades in existence. They're simply far too complex for most sharks to conceive of, let alone craft. It is generally agreed the first ripper blade was created by the rarest of the rate among the Rokea - a Darkwater Betweener. Since then, it has been copied no more than half a dozen times, if that. Though considerably complex by Rokea standards, the Ripper Blade is quite crude by the standards of the other Changing Breeds. Two fairly dull stone blades are attached to a long wooden handle in the middle. Into this rough contraption a spirit of war is bound. The spirit of war renders all construction problems irrelevant. Once activated, the blade does Strength +4 aggravated damage, and is difficulty 8 to strike with. But the most impressive aspect of the weapon is that it can be employed in all forms, more or less. In Homid, Glabrus and Gladius forms, the blade is held in two hands and used as a large double-ended spear. In Chasmus or Squamus forms, it can be held in the mouth and charges with it, or quick turns of the head do sufficient damage. In no situation is it particularly graceful (hence the high difficulty to hit), but it's a powerful weapon that's very versatile for the breed.
  • Fragment of Oversea - Level 5, Gnosis 8 - Rokea interpret meteorites as pieces of Oversea's body which were burned so badly by the Wound that he cast them down. These make amazing fetishes, and so are highly coveted items. No more than a dozen are known to exist, and all have different powers. One can heal its user completely upon being successfully activated. Another releases a brilliant burst of sunlight, blinding any who look on it and burning vampires in the same manner as true daylight. Another, known as Woundbringer, acts something like a hand grenade. When thrown, it causes a fiery explosion. The fragment always survives to be recovered later, however. If a Storyteller chooses to allow a character to own a Fragment of Oversea, the player and the Storyteller should decide what the effects are, what sort of spirit is bound into it, and how the character came into possession of such a marvelous item.

Hengeyokai Fetishes[]

(Same-Bito) See Hengeyokai Fetishes here.


  • There is no unique name for Rokea fetishes. While salvage (flotsam, jetsam, lagan, etc.) as a term could work, it's too human ordinated and would be more something betweeners would use.


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