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White Wolf Wiki

Rodina was a Ravnos methuselah of the 4th generation.


According to Encyclopaedia Vampirica, Rodina was the name of the Cainite who Embraced Durga Syn in 922.[1] While other facts about its life and unlife are unknown, it was most likely destroyed in 1999 during the Week of Nightmares.[2]

Version Differences[]

The notion that Rodina Embraced Durga Syn is contested by numerous other sources, and it should be noted that her entry in the Encyclopaedia holds less credibility than other publications, since the book was written in character – therefore containing the author's viewpoints about the vampiric society and its history.

Children of the Inquisition mentions the term "Rodina" when it describes Durga Syn's profile, but the word "Rodina" in that context does not make a direct reference to a specific vampire. Instead, it is merely a Bulgarian/Russian term that means "homeland" or, alternatively, a Czech term that means "family", which better fits the context of the story.[3]

