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Shed the Crocodile's Tears by James Stowe.

Rites of the Mokolé are a type of Rite from Werewolf: The Apocalypse. They were first introduced in Werewolf Players Guide and are exclusive to the Mokolé.


Mokolé rites are ancient, some dating to the Time of the Kings. The Garou and Mokolé share the Rite of Accomplishment, hunting prayers, greetings to the Sun and in the case of Shining, the Moon, the Rite of Talisman Dedication, the Baptism of Fire, the Rite of Spirit Awakening, the Rite of Summoning, and the Rites of the Fetish and Totem. Other rites may also figure in certain wallows. The Mokolé have few or no rites connected with Umbral travel, as they seldom enter the Umbra because of The Innocents. They also have few rites of judgment and punishment, although some few practice the Rite: Eater of the Dead, which the Mokolé-mbembe taught to the Bubasti. They do have seasonal rites, which differ from those of the Garou.

Rites of the Mokolé List[]

Mokolé Accord Rites List[]

  • Level One[1]
    • Rite of Breeding - This rite is practiced by all steams of Mokolé. It consists of elaborate courtship protocols, exchanges of go-betweens, ceremonial singing and dancing, and mating. It ensures that Mokolé mate with a suitable Kinfolk partner and not with other Mokolé.
    • Shedding Hide - Level One - This rite may be performed alone or in groups. It is usually done once a year. The Mokolé sheds her skin over a period of days or weeks, and at the same time sheds any Dissolver-taint accumulated through toxins or through contact with Dissolver-creatures.
  • Level Two[2]
    • Silence of the Oracles - This merciful rite allows the ritemaster to protect a person from memories that would drive them mad. It is often used to protect survivors of torture, molestation, rape, or massacres. It allows the wounded person to live normally without going mad.

Mokolé Death Rites List[]

  • Level Two[3]
    • Last Communion - This rite enables a Mokolé adept to receive Mnesis from a comrade. The two Mokolé must gaze into each others' eyes, and the giver of Mnesis will speak of a memory which he or she holds, or if unable to speak, will concentrate on it. She will then breathe out the memory, and the take will breathe it in. Once the memory is passed, the donor has np more access to it. This rite is often used on battlefields to preserve the Mnesis of the dying, and is the only reason that so much Mnesis survived the Wars of Rage. Many highly emotional scenes have centered on Last Communion.
  • Level Three[4]
    • Shed the Crocodile's Tears - This rite shows a Mokolé contrition for killing a foe. The Mokolé, before leaving a battlefield, weeps over the corpse of a fallen enemy (or friend). The length of time that she weeps depends on the depth of feeling involved.
  • Level Five[5]
    • The Bones of Time - This rare rite is known to a few Mokolé of the Americas and China. It allows a ritemaster to retrieve Mnesis from remains of the dead, including "dragons' bones," fossil dinosaurs, and similar items. To enact the rite the ritemaster must caress the remains while chanting the Song of the Bones, which lasts for many hours if all its cantos are sung. Other Mokolé sometimes dance as accompaniment to the ritemater's song.

Mokolé Mystic Rites List[]

  • Level One[6]
    • Silence of the Oracles - With this observance, the ritualist can protect a person (or creature) from memories that would drive him mad. It is often used to protect the survivors of torture or atrocities; on rare occasions, it may also be used to head the mind of someone that has survived an encounter with the supernatural. Some Mokolé gather these memories into their race's collective Mnesis, so that they are fully aware of evils witnessed in the Age of Man.
  • Level Two[7]
    • Rite of the Time Wheel - The Mokolé are designed to be living memory, and many of their mystical powers derive from that purpose. This rite is yet another example; it empowers the Mokolé to remember the turning of the stars themselves. Apis, the extinct aurochs-shifters, taught the Mokolé this rite long ago. The Mokolé - or other shapeshifter who learns this rite - mediates in the center of a celestial diagram drawn in sand, blood or other appropriate materials. As he meditates, he pictures in his mind a huge wheel of stars decorated with the signs of the Planetary Incarnae and the ancient Zodiac. When the rite is completed (in an hour's time), the character is suffused with the knowledge of the ancients regarding all things astronomical, astrological and even meteorological.
  • Level Three[8]
    • Rite of the Stone - This allows the Mokolé to attach a mystical stone to his body. The stone can be a belly stone, giving strength, or a skull stone, giving wisdom. A belly stone must be heavy, smooth, and properly shaped - the search for the perfect stone can last a long time. Skull stones (carbuncles, or "dragon stones") are much harder to find, as they must also be perfect, flawless jewels. The jewel must be cut by an artisan with stonecutting skill, then heated to searing hear, such as in Sun's fire, in a forge or in volcanic heat. The stone is then burned onto the Mokolé's forehead, where it is visible in Archid form (in some Mokolé, it is visible in Homid form as well).
  • Level Four[9]
    • Boat of the Sun - This rite allows the ritemaster to borrow Sun's boat for a time to transport himself and colleagues to any destination under the sun.
    • Burn the Library/Burning the Library - This rite erases memories. It is name for the day when the Library of Alexandria burned, and two Mokolé were the only ones left with its knowledge. The rite was first used when Ancient-My-Enemy, a Mokolé warrior, erased his mind to precent Garou from locating his clutch.
    • Walking In Your Footsteps - Level Four - This rite enables a Mokolé to follow those who have gone before her. The ritemaster located the footsteps of a past Mokolé; these may be made the day before, a hundred years before, or be fossilized. However, the footsteps must be visible. As the Mokolé enacts the rite, she stands in the footsteps of the ancestor and calls for the ancestor's aid. If successful, her forbear's ability is passed on.
  • Level Five[10]
    • Rite of Anamnesis - This rite enables a Mokolé to communicate Mnesis to another directly. The Mokolé who wishes to do so can pass on visual impressions, thoughts and feelings. However, the communion is imperfect.
    • Rite of the Eidolon - Mnesis is powerful: it is a direct exercise of the Mokolé's purpose as the Memory of Gaia. The Rite of the Eidolon allows the images (eidolons) contained in Mnesis to take shape. It is different from the Shadows by Fire Light Gift in that the image is not merely "backdrop"; it is as real as the mind of the remembrancer who imagines it.
    • Rite of Lost Dreams - This rite allows any person to be lowered into the Sea of Shadows with the express purpose of regaining memories that have been lost on account of a whole clutch being destroyed. The person who goes does not have to be Mokolé. This is more than just a dangerous form of Mnesis; it allows the recipient to make those memories a part of them. In a sense, it brings a dead clutch back to life. The reasons for doing this are varied, but are always serious; this rite is a deadly affair.
    • Rite of the Sleeping Dragon - This rite enables the ritemaster to send another into the Sleep of the Dragon; the effects are much like those of the Gift of the same name.

Mokolé Seasonal Rite[]

  • Level Three[11]
    • Rite of Sunreturn - Each winter solstice (December 21 in the Northern Hemisphere, June 21 in the Southern), Sun is at his weakest. Darkness is strong as Gaia turns away from his hear and light. The Mokolé usually gather at such times and perform the Rite of Sunreturn to strengthen him. The rite takes many forms among the different streams: the Mokolé-Mbembe light candles and give each other presents of cakes and sweets baked in circular shapes. They keep watch all night long with songs and bonfires until Sun shows his face again. The Zhong Lung mediate, asking that the Wheel turn uninterrupted. The Makara, who call this festival Diwali, illuminate the night with lamps and burn incense to show Sun the way to come back. The Gumagan stage mock battles in which one party represents Sun and the other darkness. Adepts among the Gumagan also enter the Dreamtime before Sunrise and face Sun's enemies, daring them to show their faces.

Mokolé Wallow (Caern) Rites List[]

  • Level One[12]
    • Feed The Wallow - The rite takes a small amount of food and increases it to provide food for many.
    • Rite of the Illuminated Wallow - This rite is very similar to the Rite of the Opened Caern, save that Sun's light must fill the wallow with its blessing. For Midnight Suns, a night sky is appropriate to "illuminate" the wallow with darkness. Note that the ritemaster must please not only the spirits, but the sleeping elder, if there is one. The method for which these creatures can be bested varies from wallow to wallow. For example, if the elder was a mancala player, playing a riotous game in the wallow's sands might illuminate a wallow of laughter, while an elder who had fought the Garou all her life might demand a much darker ritual...
    • Rite of the Nesting Mound - This rite enables a mother to pile up earth and vegetation to create a protective nest for her eggs. Although this is common behavior among crocodilians and monitors, the ritual version grants the eggs an extra measure of spiritual protection.
    • Save Hatchling or Rite of the Hatchling - Over 90% of potential suchid Mokolé and other reptiles die in their first year from disease and predation. This rite creates a link between parent and child, allowing the parent to know any one child's condition at any one time.
  • Level Three[13]
    • Rock Art - The Mokolé dream memories of ages long past, but they know that weresaurians are not the only ones who might have need of what they have learned. This rite enriches Mokolé artwork with the memories she would share with future generations. Despite the name, she can infuse any form of visual art with her memories.
  • Level Four[14]
    • The Gator's Burrow As the Garou rite: The Badger's Burrow; naturally, this rite is used to protect a wallow.
    • Open Sun Bridge - This rite enables Mokolé to open paths from one place to another "through the heart of the sun." The Sun Bridge can be invoked when Sun's brilliance dazzles the eyes, and carries Mokolé from one wallow to another. A normal means of using a Sun Bridge is to pass at sunrise or sunset, allowing the "sun path" created by the motion of light in water to serve as a highway across the world. Travel is instantaneous or nearly so. The wallows involved must have a pool or body of water to allow passage into the Umbra. This water must be blessed with the rite at least once in living memory (not once a year as with a Moon Bridge). This means that as long as a sleeper remains who enacted the rite, Mokolé can open a way through the Sun Bridge by using the Gift: Open Sun Bridge or the Rite of the Illuminated Wallow. However, to create a Sun Bridge, to decide the destination to be reached, or to ascertain the safety of the passage, this rite is necessary.
  • Level Five[15]
    • Citadel of the Dragon - Through chanting that helps her dig into her Mnesis while guiding a group of artisans, this rite allows the ritemaster to direct the carving of stone structures with images of the Dragon Kins. These images are so horrific that they tap into the terror that the Mokolé cause in mammals. This rite once allowed Mokolé to construct stone citadels hidden from mankind.

Rites of the Gumagan[]

  • Level One[16]
    • Djunggawon - This Rite of Renown is a rite of passage for Kinfolk and Gumagan. It takes place when they are young. The mob will assemble at a waterhole or sacred site. The men (for a boy) or women (for a girl) go off together. They then tell the child about the Gumagan and the spirits of the Dreamtime. The rite involves body art: painting, circumcision, or the removal of one tooth. For Kinfolk, this is the moment at which the adolescents become adults. Gumagan usually pass from the ceremony into their great trance in which they dream their Archid form.
    • The Oknanikilla - The Gumagan, Australia's native Mokolé, originated this rite and allowed their allies, the Bunyip, to share it. It is performed alone. The ritemaster, who must be a gravid female, makes a journey along the "paths of the ancestors" (songlines) to an oknanikilla, a place where a totem has manifested. Usually this place will be a wallow, or it once was one. (Of course, many oknanikilla are now wallows of the egg-smashers). The totems give special favor to anyone born in their sacred sites.
    • Songs of the Dreamtime - This rite is associated with spirit songs. The ritemaster must sing the song for a place (such as a songline) or a thing (such as a tjurunga). He is then able to use the songline to travel or read the memoires of the ancestor, usually via the Gifts of the Gumagan.
  • Level Two[17]
    • Into the Waterhole - This rite allows the soul of a dead person to be free. The body is disposed of by exposure, cremation or burial. The ritemaster then sings and dances and burns the dead person's possessions while calling their name. The soul passes on into a waterhole to be reborn, and does not haunt the living anymore. Most souls welcome this rite. Some, frighteningly, do not...
  • Level Four[18]
    • Tjurunga - This Rite enables a Gumagan to put some of their Mnesis into a carved and painted board, a tjuruna. The Mnesis can be accessed by anyone who knows the spirit songs. Gumagan mobs often trade tjurunga. This is common way to establish alliances and unify the people. The hereditary owners of tjurunga are very choosy about whom they exchange them with, or at least they used to be. Tjurunga are exchanged across thousands of miles among mobs who know each other well. There are said to be three tjurunga left which were made by the Bunyip before they perished. No one knows where these mystic spirit boards are located, but the Gumagan are looking for them. They hope to find them before the European Garou do.

Rites of the Zhong Lung[]

Rites of Accord and Mysticism are common among the Zhong Lung. However, their most sacred and revered rites occur at the changes of the seasons. Summer brings the Rite of Nanfeng (south wing), fall the Rite of Xifeng (west wind), winter the Rite of Beifeng (north wind) and spring the Rite of Dongfeng (east wind). On the New Year is the Rite of Renewal, celebrating another complete turn of seasons. Each seasonal rite pays homage to the ascendancy of a new auspice and theme; activities involve honoring ancestors, quests for new knowledge, music, dance and some sort of deference to Tiandi. Minor rites honoring the Sun also take place from time to time.

  • Level Five[19]
    • Shedding Bones - This powerful rite allows the Zhong Lung to prolong his life. He must first prepare a medicinal potion of herbs to restore the balance of yin and yang. This takes some time. He may also engage an herbalist to make it for him. He will then identify his weakest and oldest bones, and push them out through his skin. As he does so, his youth returns to him.
  • No Levels[20]
    • Rite of Nanfeng (South Wind) - Seasonal Rite
    • Rite of Xifeng (West Wind) - Seasonal Rite
    • Rite of Beifeng (North Wind) - Seasonal Rite
    • Rite of Dongfeng (East Wind) - Seasonal Rite
    • The Rite of Renewal - Seasonal Rite


Rage Cards[]


^  Level 0

Seasonal, Zhong Lung: The Rite of Renewal Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East Pg. 105
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: The Rite of Renewal Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts Pg. 115
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: The Rite of Renewal Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 201
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: Rite of Beifeng Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East Pg. 105
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: Rite of Beifeng Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts Pg. 115
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: Rite of Beifeng Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 201
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: Rite of Dongfeng Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East Pg. 105
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: Rite of Dongfeng Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts Pg. 115
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: Rite of Dongfeng Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 201
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: Rite of Nanfeng Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East Pg. 105
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: Rite of Nanfeng Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts Pg. 115
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: Rite of Nanfeng Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 201
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: Rite of Xifeng Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East Pg. 105
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: Rite of Xifeng Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts Pg. 115
Seasonal, Zhong Lung: Rite of Xifeng Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 201

^  Level 1

Mystic: Burning the Library Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 119-120
Mystic: Burning the Library Changing Breeds Pg. 151
Feed the Wallow Werewolf Players Guide Pg. 171
Caern: Feed the Wallow Mokolé Pg. 93
Caern: Feed the Wallow Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 177
Caern: Feed the Wallow Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 120
Accord: Rite of Breeding Mokolé Pg. 89
Accord: Rite of Breeding Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 172
Caern: Rite of the Illuminated Wallow Mokolé Pg. 93
Caern: Rite of the Illuminated Wallow Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 177
Caern: Rite of the Nesting Mound Mokolé Pg. 93
Caern: Rite of the Nesting Mound Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 178
Save Hatching Werewolf Players Guide Pg. 171
Caern: Save Hatching Mokolé Pg. 93
Caern: Save Hatchling Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 178
Accord: Shedding Hide Mokolé Pg. 89-90
Accord: Shedding Hide Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 172
Mystic: Silence of the Oracles Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 120
Mystic: Silence of the Oracles Changing Breeds Pg. 151
Gumagan: Djunggawon Mokolé Pg. 94
Gumagan: Djunggawon Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 178
Gumagan: The Oknanikilla Mokolé Pg. 94
Gumagan: The Oknanikilla Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 178-179
Gumagan: Songs of the Dreamtime Mokolé Pg. 94
Gumagan: Songs of the Dreamtime Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 179

^  Level 2

Death: Last Communion Mokolé Pg. 90
Death: Last Communion Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 173
Mystic: Rite of the Time Wheel Apocalypse Pg. 217
Accord: Silence of the Oracles Mokolé Pg. 90
Accord: Silence of the Oracles Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 173
Gumagan: Into the Waterhole Mokolé Pg. 94
Gumagan: Into the Waterhole Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 179

^  Level 3

Mystic: Rite of the Stone Mokolé Pg. 91
Mystic: Rite of the Stone Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 174
Seasonal: Rite of Sunreturn Mokolé Pg. 93
Seasonal: Rite of Sunreturn Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 177
Caern: Rock Art Changing Breeds Pg. 151-152
Death: Shed the Crocodile's Tears Mokolé Pg. 90
Death: Shed the Crocodile's Tears Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 173

^  Level 4

The Badger's Burrow Werewolf Players Guide Pg. 171
Caern: The Gator's Burrow Mokolé Pg. 93
Caern: The Gator's Burrow Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 178
Mystic: Boat of the Sun Mokolé Pg. 91
Mystic: Boat of the Sun Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 174
Mystic: Burn the Library Mokolé Pg. 91
Mystic: Burn the Library Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 174
Caern: Open Sun Bridge Mokolé Pg. 93-94
Caern: Open Sun Bridge Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 178
Mystic: Walking In Your Footsteps Mokolé Pg. 91-92
Mystic: Walking in Your Footsteps Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 174-175
Gumagan: Tjurunga Mokolé Pg. 94-95
Gumagan: Tjurunga Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 179

^  Level 5

Death: The Bones of Time Mokolé Pg. 91
Death: The Bones of Time Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 173-174
Caern: Citadel of the Dragon Mokolé Pg. 94
Caern: Citadel of the Dragon Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 178
Mystic: Rite of Anamnesis Mokolé Pg. 92
Mystic: Rite of Anamnesis Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 176
Mystic: Rite of the Eidolon Mokolé Pg. 92
Mystic: Rite of the Eidolon Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 176
Mystic: Rite of Lost Dreams Mokolé Pg. 92
Mystic: Rite of Lost Dreams Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 176-177
Mystic: Rite of the Sleeping Dragon Mokolé Pg. 92-93
Mystic: Rite of the Sleeping Dragon Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 177
Zhong Lung: Shedding Bones Mokolé Pg. 95
Zhong Lung: Shedding Bones Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 179
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rites
Garou and Fera Rites Accord · Age Role · Ahadi · Astrological · Caern · Dark Umbra · Death · Frontier · Hengeyokai · Minor · Mystic · Punishment · Pure Ones · Renown · Seasonal · Wyld
Fifth Edition Garou Rites Common · Legendary · Social
Kinfolk Rites Accord · Caern · Homestead · Milestones · Minor · Punishment · Renown · Ritual of Sacred Rebirth
Unique Fera Rites Ajaba - Ananasi: First · Triumvirate · Viskr - Bastet: Kuasha · Moon · Need · Taghairm - Corax - Gurahl - Kitsune - Mokolé - Nagah - Nuwisha - Ratkin - Rokea
Rites of the Lost Breeds Apis - Camazotz - Grondr
Wyrm-Corrupted Fera Rites Blood Rituals · Defiler Kings · Buzzards · Histpah
Miscellaneous Rites 7th Generation - Fomori - Miscellaneous Rites