Rites of the Milestones are a type of Rite from Werewolf: The Apocalypse. They were first introduced in Kinfolk: A Breed Apart and are exclusive to Kinfolk.
These rites do not use any mystic power nor do they require the expenditure of Gnosis. Willpower helps strengthen the impression the rite leaves on its participants but is not absolutely necessary. Kinfolk use these rites to mark various stages in their lives, to acknowledge and reaffirm their identities as Kinfolk and as individuals. Tribal variations may distinguish the rites from those of other Garou tribes, but the enactment of each rite differs from household to household. Some Kinfolk do not see the necessity of these rites, while others hold them very near and dear to their hearts.
List of Rites of the Milestones[]
- Level One[1]
- Rite of Welcoming - Birth - The birth of a new Kinfolk is a cause for rejoicing. This rite takes place as soon as mother and child return home from the hospital (if the child is born there) or, if the child is born at home, as soon as mother and child are rested and aware. The family gathers in one room of the house. One of the Kinfolk elders, usually the father, but sometimes a grandparent, aunt, or uncle, takes the infant from the mother and holds him up for everyone to see. The ritemaster introduces the child by his name, first to Gaia, then to the tribe totem, and, finally, to the other family members, by name and relationship. If non-family members are present by invitation and expect to stand in relationship to the child as god-parent, protector, etc., that individual is also introduced to the child by name and relationship. The child is returned to the mother's arms after that, and, unless any tribe-specific events occur, the rite concludes, usually with a ceremonial meal or a toast. Fianna Kinfolk generally throw a party, while Silver Fangs usually spend time discussing the child's lineage or drawing up an individual family tree. One Silver Fang family adds a stylized leaf-painting with the child's name and birth date to a mural of the family tree. Bone Gnawers sometimes give the child some sort of trinket so that she will not be entirely without resources, while Silent Strider Kinfolk take the child for his first official "outing," even if it is just around the yard. (This rite is entirely separate from the Garou rite that attaches a Fetch to the child.)
- Vow of Partnership - Mating - While many Kinfolk undergo standard marriage rites, depending on their religious beliefs, as well as the requisite civil ceremony, some also want to solemnify their union under the eyes of Gaia. The Vow of Partnership establishes the nature and duration of the relationship between two Kinfolk or between a Kinfolk and a Garou. The ceremony usually takes place in the home or on the ground of one of the Kinfolk. Sometimes a location outside the home is sued, such as a national or state park, a community center or arboretum. Occasionally, a wilderness site serves as the venue for this rite. If the site is anywhere other than the home of a Kinfolk or on territory claimed by Garou (i.re, the caern or its bawn), someone who can perform the Rite of Cleansing should do so to ensure the places if free of Wyrm-taint. Once the site is ready, the family and friends gather around the couple to witness their vows to one another. The commitment may be a life-bond, or may have some specific time or condition, such as "until we have a child," or "for a year and a day." After the recitation of the vows, the ritemaster pronounces the couple bound to one another in the eyes of Gaia, the Garou, and Kinfolk. Again, each tribe may have a variant to add to the ceremony. The rite ends when the ritemaster introduces the couple to the attendees.
- Wake for the Departed - Death - This rite honoring a Kinfolk or Garou who has recently died takes place after any official services, such as a funeral or graveside ceremony. The form this rite takes varies from tribe to tribe, and from family to family. Fianna Kinfolk usually hold a wake that might last for days, with music, dancing, stories, songs, and lots of alcohol. Silent Striders may make a pilgrimage, visiting the deceased's favorite or most meaningful places. Silver Fangs hold a more somber version of a wake with the deceased's genealogy recited and discussed ad infinitum. Likewise, the Get of Fenris hold a supper honoring the deceased with much touting and solemn drinking. Glass Walkers celebrate their dead Kin through online meetings. Wendigo usually hold a potlatch in honor of the departed during which the family gives many of their relative's possessions to those who knew and honored him. Children of Gaia Kinfolk might establish a scholarship fund or make a donation to a charity or cause dear to the heart of the departed, while individuals might pledge volunteer hours in the deceased's name.
- W20: Kinfolk: A Breed Apart, p. 70-71
^ Level 1
Birth: Rite of Welcoming | Kinfolk: A Breed Apart | Pg. 70 |
Mating: Vow of Partnership | Kinfolk: A Breed Apart | Pg. 70 |
Death: Wake for the Departed | Kinfolk: A Breed Apart | Pg. 70-71 |
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rites | |
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