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Rite of the Freed Spirit, by Pia Guerra

Rites of the Gurahl are a type of Rite from Werewolf: The Apocalypse. They were first introduced in Werewolf Players Guide and are exclusive to the Gurahl.


Ceremonies and rituals play a major part in the life of a Gurahl. The werebears originated many rites now practiced by the Garou, particularly those regarding purification and healing (Rite of the Opened Caern, Rite of Passage, Rite of Cleansing and Rite of Caern Building as examples). As Gurahl age, they become more concerned with rituals, spending most of their time performing old rites and even creating new ones. Storytellers may modify any of the Garou rites for use with Gurahl characters, though the most typical rites will resemble Rites of Accord or Death, as well as Mystic and Seasonal rites.

Since Gurahl tend toward solitude for much of their lives, many of their rites need only a single werebear to perform them. Other rites involve interaction between two Gurahl, while some require group participation (or else draw additional strength from the number of werebears present).

Many rites require no roll to enact; others require a Charisma + Rituals roll unless otherwise noted in the description of the rite itself.

Rites of the Gurahl List[]

  • Level One[1]
    • Dreams of Winter (Mystic) - Although Gurahl do not have to hibernate, those who do are often confused about what occurred while they slept. People she regarded as allies may have changed their attitudes, enemies may have repented, the bear's territory will have changed around her. This rite is widely known to the Gurahl and is often taught to young bears shortly after their first change.
    • Rites of Greeting and Leave-taking (Accord) - These simple rites involve a formal acknowledgment of the presence of another Gurahl. The basic rite used when one Gurahl meets another involves the use of language and body gestures that tender mutual respect. Variations on the basic rite allow for meeting groups of Gurahl, encountering a werebear of higher or lower rank, entering or leaving the territory of another Gurahl and other kinds of meetings.
    • Rite of Rending the Gauntlet (Mystic) - Gurahl have such close ties to the Earth itself that entering the Umbra requires a special rite. Unlike the Garou, who can simply "step sideways," the Gurahl must physically rip a hole in the Gauntlet before they can travel beyond the confines of the physical world. In order to accomplish this feat, the Gurahl transforms into Bjornen, tears an opening into the Umbra and steps through. The tear immediately seals itself behind the Gurahl. This action invokes the Delirium in normal humans who inadvertently come upon a Gurahl in the process of passing between the worlds.
  • Level Two[2]
    • Rite of the Changing Moon (Mystic) - These rites mark a Gurahl's passage from one auspice to another. The subject of the rite first undergoes a ritual cleansing, including a day-long fast and a ceremonial bath. At the end of her purification, she burns an item symbolic of her old auspice (i.e., a child's toy for Arcas or a wooden spear for Uzmati). Next she adorns herself in clothing and face paint suitable to her new auspice. Finally, she presents herself before the other participants in the rite and formally states her name and (new) auspice. The other Gurahl greet her in return, again using her name and new auspice title. A celebration usually follows the formal portion of the rite.
    • Rite of the Healing Winds (Accord) - The Gurahl use this ceremony to cleanse the land of noxious poisons, whether in the form of gases, liquids (such as chemical spills) or airborne viruses and biological agents. To enact this rite, the Gurahl enters the Umbra (using Rend the Gauntlet), then summons and binds a Chinook-spirit. The Gurahl then sends that spirit to the place that needs cleansing. The Chinook's purifying cold scours the land, water and air as well as creatures and vegetation, ridding them of toxins. The spirit's presence causes the temperature in the vicinity to drop up to 10 degrees, an effect which lasts for no more than 24 hours and causes no significant damage to the local flora and fauna. This rite is a favorite of the Ice Stalkers, who regularly gather in groups to summon Chinook-spirits to send to other Gurahl whose lands need purifying.
    • Rite of Replenishment (Mystic) - Basic - This simple rite, while it takes some time to perform, enables participating Gurahl to replace lost Gnosis. The Gurahl involved in the rite must find a suitable place - either in the Umbra or in the physical world - in which to conduct the rite. For every 15 minutes spent dancing and intoning chants to Gaia and the Great Bear, each participant regains one Gnosis Trait. No challenges are necessary, but the rite must fulfill the necessary conditions of time and place in order to be effective.
    • Rite of the River-Portent (Mystic) - Gurahl use this rite as a means of foretelling the future. The Gurahl enacting the rite snags a fish with his claw from a stream, splits open the fish's belly and reads the omens contained within. The information gained from this rite usually pertains to the Gurahl who reads the omens and has to do with the immediate future.
    • Rite of True Mating (Mystic) - This rite, when performed, allows the Gurahl to find a suitable mate from among her Kinfolk. Only Gurahl who have reached full adulthood (i.e., are no longer considered Arcas) may learn this rite, since the werebears do not believe in casual acts of procreation. To enact the rite, the Gurahl fashions a small bag, into which she places a drop of her blood and a cutting of her hair. She wears this bag around her neck for three days and nights, after which the empowered bag acts as a homing beacon, pulling the Gurahl in the direction of a Kinfolk suitable for mating. (of course, the Gurahl must woo the targeted Kinfolk naturally.)
  • Level Three[3]
    • Rite of Finding the Ancient Cache (Mystic) - This rite enables the Gurahl enacting it to locate the hidden sites of the ancient treasures of his people. Before their withdrawal during the War of Rage, the Gurahl hid many of their treasures and secrets in places deep within the earth. They bound powerful spirits to guard some of these precious items; other treasures rest under the protection of Gurahl elders who lie in the deep sleep of hibernation. By performing this rite, a Gurahl (or group of Gurahl) gain a sense of the hidden cache's location. With each enactment of the rite, the Gurahl's knowledge of where to find the sought-for treasure becomes more precise. Eventually, the rite leads the Gurahl to the actual site itself and opens a gateway or passage to the hiding place. (If the ancient cache lies in the Umbra, the Gurahl must rend the Gauntlet in order to gain access to it.) Once the Gurahl has gained access to the cache, he usually has to discover the secret to opening the complected locks which seal the actual treasure from intruders. The form this rite takes consists of an elaborate and slow dance containing movements and steps that mimic the actions of a search party.
    • Rite of the Flawless Emerald (Accord) - Level Three - This rare rite enables a werebear to heal the land by making its wounds his own. The Gurahl stands on the land and binds it to himself, eating a small piece of earth or bark to make himself one with the land.
    • Rite of the Pure Earth - (Werewolf Players Guide's name for Rite of the Pure Land)
    • Rite of the Pure Land (Accord) - The Gurahl use this rite to purify a specific area of pollution, sickness, destruction caused by natural disasters or Wyrm-taint by reestablishing broken connection between Gaia and the damaged or tainted land. To perform this rite, a Gurahl mixes her blood with a handful of soil from the land that needs purification. She uses this paste of blood and earth to describe a line around the perimeter of the designated area. A Gurahl may cleanse as large a space as she wishes, but she pays for the cost in her own blood, taking damage in proportion to the amount of blood she spills to make enough paste to outline the area. (One square mile may be purified per Health Level of damage assumed.) A group of Gurahl may choose to perform this rite together in order to cleanse very large portions of land. Ritual dances and prayers for healing (spoken in the Gurahl tongue) accompany the drawing of the line to help focus the power of Gaia for the successful completion of the rite.
  • Level Four[4]
    • Rite of the Ban (Accord) - The Gurahl use this rite to prevent the spread of secrets that, if known, might cause harm to their people or their Kinfolk. The rite acts as a mental deterrent, blocking the target of the rite from communicating a specific secret in any way. Gurahl frequently use this rite on humans who have either witnessed a Gurahl change forms or on those whom the Gurahl have brought to their Dens for magical healing. The Ban keeps the subject from speaking, writing or otherwise imparting his knowledge to anyone. It does not however remove the information from the individual's mind unless coercion is sed to force that person to overcome the Ban. In such a case, the power of the rite is such that it actually removes the sensitive information from the targeted individual's mind (a sort of mystical self-destruct mechanism). Some Gurahl willingly undergo the Rite of the Ban if they intend to spend long periods of time in the company of humans or non-Gurahl (especially Garou). This makes certain that the Gurahl cannot inadvertently give away any secrets. In the old times, when Gurahl acted as teachers and sharers of information for other Changing Breeds, the Rite of the Ban was no necessary. Since the War of Rage, however, few Gurahl have gone into the world without having the rite performed upon them. The rite itself requires the Gurahl performing it to intone a hypnotic chant, stating the nature of the information the Ban is meant to protect. The soothing sounds of the chant lull the target into a state on near-slumber from which she awakens refreshed and unchanged, except for the placement of the inner prohibition of the Ban.
    • Rite of the Freed Spirit (Mystic) - This dangerous rite enables a Gurahl (or a group of Gurahl) to sever the bond between a Bane and a fomor, returning the harried creature to his original, untainted state. Because of the inherent danger to the leader of the rite, most Gurahl are extremely hesitant to perform it. In cases where a lover, companion or friend has undergone the hideous transformation into one of the fomori, this rite provides the only opportunity to rescue that individual. A fomor usually comes to this rite unwillingly, as a captive of the Gurahl who wishes to save him. The rite takes place in the Umbra, where the Bane inhabiting the fomor is clearly visible. Using a dagger consecrated to Gaia, the Gurahl performing the rite traces a mystical pattern in the air above the bound body of the fomor. This action severs the connection that binds the Bane to the human form.
  • Level Five[5]
    • Rite of Fighting the Death Bear (Mystic) - Whenever a Gurahl wishes to attempt to return a departed soul to its body when the individual has been dead for longer than the period of time outlined by the Gaia's Breath Gift, he may employ this dangerous rite to wrest the spirit from the lands of dead and bring it back into the world of the living. The Gurahl first uses the Rite of Rending the Gauntlet to enter the Umbra, where he calls upon Mangi, the Death Bear, making the appropriate acts of chiminage to the Incarna before issuing a challenge for the soul of the departed. The Gurahl then engages in Umbral combat with the Death Bear. If the Gurahl defeats Mangi in battle, he can then enter the Death Bear's realm and retrieve the lost spirit, bringing it back to its body. If the Gurahl fails to defeat the Death Bear, the rite fails and the Gurahl is cast out of the Umbra. If the Gurahl dies during the battle, the Death Bear sometimes claims the spirit of the Gurahl instead of the fallen spirit, this enabling it to return to its body as if the rite had succeeded. This high potential cost of this rite makes it one that the Gurahl use only rarely, and then only on other Gurahl.
    • Rite of the Long Sleep (Mystic) - With the performance of the rite, the Gurahl may place an individual into a state of suspended animation not unlike the bear's own natural hibernation ability. While in this state, the subject does not age; bodily functions come to a standstill; respiration drops to the absolute minimum. This rite makes it possible to sustain Incapacitated individuals for an indefinite period of time, keeping them alive so that they can be healed (either naturally or magically) at a later date. Gurahl have used this rite to save the lives of other Chaning Breeds (including Garou) as well as humans who have experienced massive bodily trauma and cannot receive immediate attention. Use of this rite on a vampire places the creature in torpor.

Werewolf: The Wild West Gurahl Rites[]

Gurahl love ritual and they have devised many rites for everything from greeting the sun and moon to purifying the land, healing themselves and others and celebrating the major passage of life from birth to death. Many Garou rites have their origins in the rituals of the Gurahl. In addition to the following examples, Storytellers may use any Garou rite (with appropriate modifications) for Gurahl characters.

  • Level Two[6]
    • Rite of True Mating - Gurahl do not mate until they attain adulthood and learn to perform this rite, which locates one or more Kinfolk suitable for breeding. The Gurahl places a cutting of her hair along with a drop of her blood in a small bag, which she then hangs around her neck. For three consecutive nights, the Gurahl wears the bag while she sleeps. On the morning after the third night, the player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Empathy (Difficulty 7). The bag exerts a pull on the Gurahl's mind and leads her to the location of a suitable mate (either human or bear).
  • Level Three[7]
    • Rite of the Dead Woods - Gurahl use this rite to discourage settlement in an area. By urinating on a tree, he renders it worthless as lumber. Small branches broken off an affected tree may be used, but felling one completely leads to unnaturally quick deterioration of the woof (it crumbles to pulp within hours). Only Gurahl whose protectorates are overrun by especially stubborn humans invoke this rite. To do so requires the expenditure of a Gnosis point during the marking of a tree. Rather than attempting to mark all trees in their territories, Gurahl usually target the oldest and most substantial trees in hopes of convincing interlopers to spare such spirit-filled titans. The single-minded rapacity of the timber industry ultimately leads to this rite's disuse.


^  Level 1

Mystic: Dreams of Winter Changing Breeds Pg. 119
Rites of Greeting and Leave-taking Gurahl Pg. 104
Accord: Rites of Greeting and Leave-taking Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 92
Rite of Rending the Gauntlet Werewolf Players Guide Pg. 147
Rite of Rending the Gauntlet Gurahl Pg. 104-105
Mystical: Rite of Rending the Gauntlet Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 92-93
Rite of Rending the Gauntlet Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 96
Mystic: Rite of Rending the Gauntlet Changing Breeds Pg. 119

^  Level 2

Rite of the Changing Moon Gurahl Pg. 105
Mystical: Rite of the Changing Moon Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 93
Rite of the Healing Winds Werewolf Players Guide Pg. 147
Rite of the Healing Winds Gurahl Pg. 105
Accord: Rite of the Healing Winds Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 93-94
Rite of the Healing Winds Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 96
Mystical: Rite of Replenishment Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 94
Rite of Replenishment Changing Breeds Pg. 119
Rite of the River-Portent Werewolf Players Guide Pg. 147
Rite of the River-Portent Gurahl Pg. 105
Mystical: Rite of the River-Portent Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 94
Rite of the River-Portent Changing Breeds Pg. 119
Rite of True Mating Gurahl Pg. 105
Mystical: Rite of True Mating Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 94
Rite of True Mating The Wild West Companion Pg. 128
Rite of True Mating Changing Breeds Pg. 119-120

^  Level 3

Finding the Ancient Cache Werewolf Players Guide Pg. 147
Rite of the Finding the Ancient Cache Gurahl Pg. 105
Mystical: Rite of Finding the Ancient Cache Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 94-95
Accord: Rite of the Flawless Emerald Apocalypse Pg. 217
Rite of the Pure Earth Werewolf Players Guide Pg. 147
Rite of the Pure Land Gurahl Pg. 106
Rite of the Pure Land Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition Pg. 157
Accord: Rite of the Pure Land Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 95
Rite of the Pure Land Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 96
Rite of the Dead Woods The Wild West Companion Pg. 128

^  Level 4

Rite of the Ban Werewolf Players Guide Pg. 147
Rite of the Ban Gurahl Pg. 106
Accord: Rite of the Ban Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 95-96
Rite of the Ban Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 96
Rite of the Freed Spirit Gurahl Pg. 106
Mystical: Rite of the Freed Spirit Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 96

^  Level 5

Rite of Fighting the Death Bear Werewolf Players Guide Pg. 147-148
Rite of Fighting the Death Bear Gurahl Pg. 107
Mystical: Rite of Fighting the Death Bear Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 97-98
Rite of Fighting the Death Bear Players Guide to the Changing Breeds Pg. 96
Rite of Fighting the Death Bear Changing Breeds Pg. 120
Rite of the Long Sleep Werewolf Players Guide Pg. 147
Rite of the Long Sleep Gurahl Pg. 106
Mystical: Rite of the Long Sleep Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 Pg. 97
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rites
Garou and Fera Rites Accord · Age Role · Ahadi · Astrological · Caern · Dark Umbra · Death · Frontier · Hengeyokai · Minor · Mystic · Punishment · Pure Ones · Renown · Seasonal · Wyld
Fifth Edition Garou Rites Common · Legendary · Social
Kinfolk Rites Accord · Caern · Homestead · Milestones · Minor · Punishment · Renown · Ritual of Sacred Rebirth
Unique Fera Rites Ajaba - Ananasi: First · Triumvirate · Viskr - Bastet: Kuasha · Moon · Need · Taghairm - Corax - Gurahl - Kitsune - Mokolé - Nagah - Nuwisha - Ratkin - Rokea
Rites of the Lost Breeds Apis - Camazotz - Grondr
Wyrm-Corrupted Fera Rites Blood Rituals · Defiler Kings · Buzzards · Histpah
Miscellaneous Rites 7th Generation - Fomori - Miscellaneous Rites