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Rites of the Frontier are a type of Rite from Werewolf: The Wild West.


The European Garou have come from the soft greens of the Old World to a harsh new land. Rites of the Frontier are not a group that Garou recognize, but loosely represent some examples of rituals from the homelands which have an important effect in the New World. These rites are typical of the werewolves who are intent on changing the frontier to suit them; they aren't necessarily part of the repertoire of every European ritemaster.

List of Frontier Rites[]

  • Level One[1]
    • Rite of New Territory - In their colonization of the New World, some Garou from the Old World have found the need to define their territories in a way that they can understand. They don't recognize or acknowledge the ways in which the Pure Ones delineate territorial boundaries, and don't tend to respect these boundaries when they do perceive them. The resulting conflict has manifested itself in open war between the tribes. Among the European Garou, however, distribution of new territory isn't always an easy matter of consent and cooperation. Some areas of the New World are more desirable than others, and in the race to claim new territories for tribe, sept and Kinfolk, conflicts do occur. This rite is designed to ritualize and regulate these conflicts; it isn't used to determine the ownership of caerns or other significant sites, but to allow Kinfolk rights to various frontier outposts and towns. Because of its close connection to Kinfolk, the rite is performed in Homid form and in full view of the affected kin. Each of the competing parties, be they packs, tribes or septs, chooses a ritemaster. This ritemaster need not have any Rituals Ability at all. The two ritemasters circle each other as the rite begins, surrounded by Kinfolk and Garou. They then strike each other with human fists, each giving and receiving punches. The first to fall is the loser, and his group must lead their Kinfolk elsewhere. Although the onlookers are responsible for preventing these contests from getting out of hand, several have become lethal tooth-and-claw brawls. Despite this, the Rite of New Territory remains a safer form of dispute resolution than klaive dueling.
  • Level Two[2]
    • Rite of the Homeland - This is not an old rite brought to a new land but rather a ritual adapted by Theurges for a new purpose. This rite brings some of the ritemaster's homeland to the new land in which he now lives. To successfully enact the rite, the werewolf must have some natural item - a seed, soil, a stone - from the area in which he lived before. Also, all the Garou enacting this rite must belong to the same tribe. These werewolves stand in a circle, nose to tail, white the ritemaster begins the ceremony. The ritemaster takes the token and buries it in the center of the circle of Garou, who then dance and howl about the site for some hours. The rite has no immediate effect, but slowly, over the length of a few days, a small patch the size of the circle of Garou changes subtly to resemble a patch of the Old Country. The changes are not blatant, but are enduring. Perhaps a tree grows and a cactus dies; perhaps the soil softens and tulips bloom. Whatever the outward effect, it's not without repercussions; the area's Gauntlet increases by one. Some say that certain Pure One Theurges know magics which can counteract and dispel this rite, but they have yet to produce any evidence.


^  Level 1

Rite of New Territory Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook Pg. 172
Rite of New Territory Laws of the Wyld West Pg. 175
Rite of New Territory Werewolf 20th Anniversary Wyld West Expansion Pack Pg. 35-36

^  Level 2

Rite of the Homeland Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook Pg. 172
Rite of the Homeland Laws of the Wyld West Pg. 175
Rite of the Homeland Werewolf 20th Anniversary Wyld West Expansion Pack Pg. 36
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rites
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