White Wolf Wiki

Rite of the Unmaker's Song is an intermediate rite of the Histpah.

Histpah Rites[]

Although the Histpah still make use of the rites they learned before their corruption, they have modified these rites to reflect their warped natures. In addition, some of the rites differ in their effects. With each successive performance of the Rite of Nine Lives, the Histpah returns looking more tattered and bearing evidence of rot and decay about her person. Storytellers may wish to make other adjustments to Bastet rites for use with their Histpah characters or antagonists. The Histpah may not successfully perform the Rite of Exile. The following rite is unique to the Histpah, and it details the process of transforming a Bastet into one of the children of Cahlash.

Rite of the Unmaker's Song[]

For a Bastet to become a Histpah requires at least three other Histpah to perform the ritual. At least two of the Histpah involved in the ritual must win a Social Challenge. Performing it on an unwilling participant requires not only a Social Challenge, but also a physical Challenge against the unwilling Bastet. If the rite is successful, the Histpah gains one Social Trait - generally Seductive, Beguiling or Magnetic - and he exudes an air of mystery that is nearly palpable to those around him. He also gains a derangement - see the derangements detailed in Laws of the Wild.

