Rite of the Earth's Womb is a Level Four Rite of Accord of the Apis.
One of the greatest demonstrations of the Apis' power, this rite is only ever known to a handful of wereaurochs at any time. Using this ritual, the Apis could cause the Earth - the body of Gaia itself - to carry a baby to term. This ritual was most frequently employed when a grievous injury beyond even the Apis' ability to heal prevented conception, though dark legends tell of the Apis using it to create children from 'perfect' parents who they knew would never breed. At least once, this ritual was used when the mother of a foretold hero was killed. The dead body was carried to a secret spot where the grieved husband helped the Apis to create the child his mate should have borne. A few Apis noted that the rite doesn't require a male and a female participant, and used this rite to help homosexual couples have children of their own, though each parent must at some point have been able to bear children - those born sterile, including metis Changing Breeds, cannot benefit from this rite.
This ritual takes place in otherwise unspoiled wilderness, and requires a sample of blood or semen from both parents, along with a lock of hair or fur. Neither parent needs to be present or even alive, though the fluids must be less than twelve hours old. The ritemaster sanctifies the area, digs a hole, and buries the mingled bodily fluids and hair along with a lock of his own hair. He must also spend two points of Gnosis, which he cannot regain until the child is born. Over the next month, the ritual site bulges and swells, finally breaking open to reveal a newborn child. If one of the parents was a shapeshifter, the child is inevitably a shapeshifter as well. If both parents were Kinfolk, the child has double the normal chance of being a shapeshifter.
The ritemaster retains a mystic link to the ritual site over the course of the pregnancy, and can sense if anyone with hostile intentions comes within fifty yards.
- W20: Changing Breeds, p. 235
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