Right of Princes is a supplement for Dark Ages: Vampire that tells how Kindred, Garou, mages, and the Inquisitors can come together to rule or influence an area in the Dark Medieval nights. It is the companion book to Spoils of War.
From the White Wolf catalog:
- Claim Your Birthright
- Whether by inheritance, force or divine ordinance, the land is yours to control and its inhabitants yours to command. You might rule over a vast forest, or your word may be law in a city. The resources of the place are yours and the people look to you for guidance and leadership. In the Dark Medieval, land is power. What will you do with yours?
- Rule the Dark Medieval
- Right of Princes is the primer on ruling and commanding a domain for all of the Dark Ages games, from a vampire's dark fief to a mage's arcane chantry to a werewolf or inquisitor's hunting grounds. Players will find rules and suggestions for developing their characters' homesteads both individually and as a group - as well as tips for defending them when a rival turns a jealous eye.
- Right of Princes Includes:
- Information suitable for all four major characters - vampires, mages, inquisitors and werewolves - on building and keeping a demesne
- Expansions on the "pooled Background" rules introduced in Dark Ages Vampire
- Four "sample" demesnes for use as inspiration or plot hook
Prelude: Diplomatic Action[]
Notes on the demesne and how it is used in this book, as well as a book summary.
Chapter One: The King's Domain[]
Information on the living conditions of the people of the Medieval era, including notes on both city and country communities and who rules over them, on the status of women in the 13th century, and on how players can pool Backgrounds to create a functioning domain they all control. There are also notes on the status of rule for mages and inquisitors, and similar methods of pooling their backgrounds.
- Vampire Domains
- Contacts Example: The Scriptorium
- Domain Example: Castellar
- Herd Example: The House of the Perfumed Waters
- Influence Example: The Masters of the Guild of Blood
- Mentor Example: The Flayer's Left Hand
- Resorces Example: The Marketplace
- Retainers Example: The Undolfini Family
- The Fellowships of the Magi
- Ahl-i-Batin
- Messianic Voices
- The Old Faith
- The Order of Hermes
- Spirit-Talkers
- Valdaermen
- Chantry Example: The Wooden Circle
- Cray Example: The Unusual Well of Obernewtyn
- Library Example: The Secret in the Cellar
- Servants Example: The Paper Slave
- Talisman Example: The Gift of the Fallen
- Sanctum Example: The Heart of the Forest
- Inquisitor Protectorates
- The Order of the Poor Knights of the Passion of the Cross of Acre
- The Sisters of St. John
- The Red Order
- The House of Murnau
- The Oculi Dei
- Chapter-House Example: Just Outside of Narbonne
- Flock Example: The Residents of Ravensburg
- Holy Relics Example: The Plait of St. Lucrezia
Chapter Two: Home and Hearth[]
Notes on demesne, and reasons to create coteries, caerns, Holy Ground, and crays, as well as quick notes on other kinds of Changing Breeds, wraiths, and Fae.
- Hunting Grounds Example: Site of the Teutoburg Massacre
- Kinfolk Example: Wines Crossing
- Rite of Deconsecration - Level Four Ritus, Inquisitor
Chapter Three: Guarding the Gates[]
Once a demesne is created, it must be defended. This section includes rules and suggestions for creating fighting forces to protect an area ruled over by supernaturals. Included are suggestions for using ghouls, animals, and commoners, a new Mortis ritual, how to use structures for an advantage, making traps, using poisons, and using Wards and other magic to defend an area. Also included is information on conquering new territory once the original is secure.
- Compel the Ghostly Guardian - Level 3 Mortis Ritual, Giovanni
- Traps
- Natural Traps
- Mechanical Traps
- Examples
- Pit Trap
- Snare
- Swinging Branch
- Rockfall
- Broken Step
- Alarm
- Swinging Axe
- Scything Blade
- Crossbow Trap
- Poisons
- Plant poisons
- Animal poisons
- Other poisons
- Supernatural poisons
- Bloodfire Poison
- Wards and Magical Guardians
- Fetish: Bells of Warning - Level 4, Gnosis 7
Chapter Four: Shadow Demesnes[]
Examples, one each, of a kindred, Garou, mage, and Inquisitor demense.
Background Information[]
- The primary information on this book is for Dark Ages: Vampire. However, there is are notes and information of use to those who play Dark Ages: Werewolf, Dark Ages: Mage, and Dark Ages: Inquisitor.
- This book is a companion to Spoils of War, and the future fates of the four groups detailed here are presented in the four groups that appear in that book.
- D.M. Foster was left out of the credits in this book by mistake. He was credited in Spoils of War.
- Ads at the back of the book include: The Dark Ages Vampire Backlist and Road of Heaven.
Memorable Quotes[]
- Prelude: Diplomatic Action
- Eon de l'Etoile - The Prince of Béziers. Ventrue
- Isarn de Voisons - Eon's Cainite "cousin" who shares his sire
- Mouse - Cainite lackey of Eon. Nosferatu
- Crepin de Beaumont - Cainite assistant to Eon
- Aimeric de Cabaret - Ambassador of the Rose. Toreador
- Chapter One: The King's Domain
- Cardinal Alphonso de Marcho Galeotto - Vampire, Allies Example
- Father Dominic Guzman - Founder of the Orders of Friars Preachers
- Sir Audric - Knights of Acre, Master Treasurer
- Sir Jehan - Knights of Acre, Knight Castellan
- Cardinal Marzone - Inquisitor
- Frederick von Murnau - House of Murnau
- Rodrigue de Navarre - Oculi Dei
- Aignen le Libraire - Oculi Dei
- Lizia Montesi di Roma - Oculi Dei
- Chapter Three: Guarding the Gates
- Etienne d'Sangre - Ventrue
- Fionn Spear-Thrower - Fianna Philodox
- Lord Bajamonte di Milano - Lasombra
- Tomasino - Brujah
- Chapter Four: Shadow Demesnes
- Archbishop Adrian - Vampire
- James Mannerly - Ventrue
- Prince Harold the Bearded - Prince of Rochester, Ventrue
- Thomas Maidstone - Ally to Jean-Marc's Rabble, Related to Catherine Maidstone
- Michael Maidstone - Related to Catherine Maidstone
- Matthew - Village Smith
- Giles d'Robert - The Baron's Steward
- Aldrec - Village Elder
- Adelbert - Nosferatu
- Mithras
- Thomas le Petit - Toreador
- Father Alwyn - Village Priest
- Kay of Shrewsbury - Jean-Marc's Sire, Ventrue
- Jacques the Fair - Maiselle's Sire, Toreador
- Symeon Zorn - Manfred Bauer's Sire
- Ulf Grimsson
- Halvard Firemane - Einherjar Gangrel
- Sir Fantino di Milano - Knights of Acre
- Ramiro Carrillo - Oculi Dei
- Ganzalo Carrillo - Oculi Dei
- Reinaldo del Rubio - Lasombra Prince
- Gauthiere de Dampiere - Grand Master, Poor Knight
- Mohammed ibn-Walid, "Thirteen-Stars-Falling" - Children of Gaia Philodox, Caern Elder of the Sept of Bright Promise
- Louis - Kinfolk Knight, Isabeau's husband
- Sample Characters
- Jean-Marc's Rabble
- Jean-Marc d'Martinique - Head of Jean-Marc's Rabble. Ventrue
- Maiselle of Rochester - Member of Jean-Marc's Rabble. Toreador
- Catherine Maidstone - Member of Jean-Marc's Rabble. Toreador
- Manfred Bauer - Mercenary working for Jean-Marc's Rabble. Brujah
- Ulf's Hall
- Brand Gyrdsson - Head of Ulf's Hall. Valdaerman
- Gerti Eriksdottir - Member of Ulf's Hall. Valdaerman
- Ketil Svensson - Member of Ulf's Hall. Valdaerman
- Gunnar Nyalsson - Member of Ulf's Hall. Valdaerman
- Protectorate of Compostela
- Baltasar Delgado - Knight-Commander of the Protectorate of Compostela. Poor Knight of the Cross
- Rafael de la Vega - Member of the Protectorate. Poor Knight of the Cross
- Ignacia Navarro de Souza - Member of the Protectorate. Oculi Dei
- Fortunato - Member of the Protectorate. Oculi Dei
- Sept of the Bright Promise
- Aldo di Venezia - Head of the Sept of the Bright Promise. Warders of Men
- Isabeau du Laurent - Member of the Sept of the Bright Promise. Warders of Men
- Steps-in-Shadow - Member of the Sept of the Bright Promise. Children of Gaia
- Simon Ben-Levi - Member of the Sept of the Bright Promise. Warders of Men
- Rising-River - Metis member of the Sept of the Bright Promise. Children of Gaia
- Jean-Marc's Rabble
Arcadian Glens, Bloodfire Poison, Blood Oath, Book about Clever Mechanisms by Al-Jazari, Cabal, Caern, Chantry, Chapter-House, Coterie, Cray, Demesne (VTM), Domain (VTM), Domain of Strood, Familiar, Fiefs of the Black Cross, Ghoul, Grog, Haunt, Haven, Herd, Holy Ground, Holy Relic, Hunting Ground, Jean-Marc's Rabble, Kinfolk, Library, Lions of Santiago (Vampire Band), Maidstone Inn, New Dawn Pack (Garou, Bright Promise), Protectorates, Protectorate of Compostela, Raven's Wing (Ulf's Hall Cabal), Retainers, Runners in Shadows (Garou Pack), Sanctum, Seelie Court, Sept of the Bright Promise (Caern of Wisdom: Craftsmanship), Sept of Green Grass (Tuscan), Sept of Thunder's Favor, Talisman, Ulf's Hall (Chantry), Umbrood, Unseelie Court,
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