White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Richter is a powerful Brujah in New York who claims all of the South Bronx as his domain.


In life, Richter claims to have been a criminal, and in death he seems to have simply picked up where he left off. He and his coterie effectively run a massive extortion racket, charging local Kindred "rent" in exchange for their own pieces of turf. So long as licks pay on time, Richter more or less leaves them to their own devices, but is notoriously brutal to those who try to bilk him out of a payment.

Richter claims to be an Anarch but doesn't style himself as the "Baron of the South Bronx" or any similar title. Indeed, he's openly contemptuous of both Baron Torque and the late Douglas Callihan, recognizing no authority save his own. That being said, he's hardly a molotov-throwing firebrand, perfectly fine with liaising with the Hecata or even the Camarilla so long as it benefits him.

Richter is the owner and proprietor of The Cage, a rave club just off the East River waterfront that serves as his main headquarters and source of income.


Richter is described as being powerfully built with strong features, including a very sharp jawline. His hair is brown and quite long, worn tied back into a ponytail. He's typically attired in a white linen dress shirt and vest, with slacks bloused into a pair of doc martens.

