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White Wolf Wiki

Richard Lyons, "Thresher," in an Unseelie Redcap Wilder... almost.


Richard Lyons

Richard Lyons is a reckless cycle courier with a bitchin' mountain bike. His shortcuts take him tearing through parks and nature trails where he scatters bird-watchers and wildlife alike. Part of this bad attitude is completely due to his (until recently submerged) redcap heritage.

Sensing his dormant fae nature, Kithain have often used Richard as a messenger. They would hire him to deliver false correspondence with a real message written in chimerical ink. Proximity to all of this enchantment triggered his Chrysalis. One such such message was the first discrepancy Richard noticed after his Chrysalis two weeks ago. Other strangeness followed. Since he is always on the move, and happens to be stubborn and suspicious, Lord Varlan and Tilutan have found it difficult to counsel the fledge; he refuses to listen to an "old fart" or "some squirt."

Meanwhile, he's learning about his fae nature the hard way: via the Dream Dance. Richard is a tough young man but the trauma is still intense. Lord Varlan and Tilutan are worried that, unless they can get through to him soon, the may loose him to madness or Banality or, worse still, the Dauntain.

Though Richard's true name is Thresher, this secret is safe until, if ever, he experiences his Saining.


Richard is a ruggedly handsome jock, about twenty years old. Stubble and an earring give him the "bad boy" look which seems to be so popular among women these days. He wears a red scarf over sandy-blonde hair, bikers' leggings, a football jersey, and fingerless gloves. As a cycle courier, his equipment includes a mountain bike, belt radio, and cellphone. He keeps a very real M1911 in his canvas backpack, just in case.

In his fae mien, Thresher's black-button eyes roll back in his head when he opens his jaws. His mouth is wide and lipless and filled with two rows of triangle teeth. A frill of steel-foolish hair recedes from his flat forehead to cluster behind his huge ears. His garb might remind an imaginative changeling of a medieval herald's livery.


Some weird stuff's been going on lately. He's hallucinated that some of his regular customers have rabbit ears or snake-skin. He imagined seeing this dinobird-thing in a valley along Codsell Avenue. During a couple of runs he's blacked out and found himself across the city in only a few minutes. Half the time he seriously considers trying to harness these strange abilities and this "second sight" of his. The rest of the time he thinks it might be better to see a shrink. Or maybe someone's been slipping him spiked brownies. And why does that crazy old man and that bunch of brats keep harassing him? He'll give 'em a fairy tale they won't forget.


Court: Unseelie
Legacies: Outlaw/Wayfarer
Seeming: Wilder
Kith: Redcap
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Intimidation 2, Kenning 1, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2
Skills: Firearms 1, Orienteering 2, Repair 2, Ride Bicycle 3, Survival 1
Knowledges: Area Knowledge 3 (Toronto), Medicine 1, Occult 1
Arts: Primal 1, Soothsay 1, Wayfare 3
Realms: Fae 1, Scene 4
Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Resources 1
Glamour: 7
Banality: 8
Willpower: 6

