White Wolf Wiki

The Republic of Abundance is one of the Fiefs of Bright Paradise.



Until recently, most sidhe who lived in Cuba left after the rise of Fidel Castro’s strongly proletarian government. The fate of commoner changelings changed only slightly, as they incorporated new cultural influences that reflected their socialist society. Since the relaxation of tensions between the mortal governments of the U.S. and Cuba have eased travel restrictions and bode for a more harmonious coexistence, some ex-patriot changelings have returned, while others have decided to move to the still beautiful island. From her freehold of Las Palmas (The Palms) in a ruined mansion outside Havana, Isabela Dulce, a Seelie eshu, has claimed the position as Primera (meaning “first”), and has attempted to create an atmosphere that will draw other changelings to a land that needs new dreams.

