The Renunciate Faction is a secret society of Pooka formed since the disappearance of High King David to decide what the Kith should do now.
This new society has sprung up among the pooka in the wake of the disappearance of High King David. Pooka vividly recall the Accordance War — either personally or through evocative stories passed down by their mentors or acquaintances. They know the horror and brutality that ruled during that dark period of fae history, and they have no wish to see it repeated. The pooka who make up the Renunciate Faction feel a hopeless sort of broken despair as they watch the peace brought about by David trampled in the mud and buried under partisan politics and old grudges. They foresee another war looming on the horizon and they want no part of it. Those who feel this way have banded together and spoken of what they can do, but no consensus has yet been reached. Some feel that all pooka must stand forth and call for all the other kith to come to their senses. “Not likely, when redcaps are involved,” say their detractors. Others advocate returning to the Dream-burrows or finding some other place within the Dreaming where they can hide from the ravages of war. “Hide? Again? And what happens when the more vicious pooka kill their less aggressive kin once more? Will we reincarnate back into the middle of the war, but as children unable to defend ourselves at all?” ask graybeards who remember the burrows slightly. A few say that the pooka ought to abandon the other fae and move into the forests and other uncivilized places where their animal affinities live, leaving the urban Kithain to fight it out among themselves. “And what happens when man — or the other Kithain — destroy those havens? Where will we go then?” ask those who have seen the devastation of many natural areas over the years. Fewest in number, but most vociferous and aggressive are those pooka who demand that the group make themselves sacrifices to shock the rest of the fae into sanity. Like the Buddhist monks who protested the Vietnam War by self-immolation, these fanatical pooka advocate burning themselves alive or performing some equally horrible suicide right in front of the would-be combatants. “And when we are gone, what is to stop them from escalating this war so much that everything — even the Dreaming — is consumed by it?” cry those who hate to see the loss of their brethren in a losing battle. For now, they are still talking, but it will not be long before their actions speak louder than any words they utter — whether lying or truthful.
- CTD. Kithbook: Pooka, p. 57.