Relics & Rituals
Cover image.
Scott Alvarado ,
Antony Ball ,
Robert Baxter ,
David Best ,
Jeff Binder ,
T. Ewing Bjelkholm ,
Christopher Bjork ,
Joseph Boyd ,
David Brohman ,
Deirdre Brooks ,
Michelle Brooks-Nimmo ,
Christopher Bundy ,
Chris Campbell ,
Bernard Cana , "
Joseph Carriker, Jr. ",
Stephen Cheney ,
Aaron Clancy ,
Casey C. Clark ,
Wendy Connick ,
Colin W. Cross ,
Aaron Day ,
Tom deMayo ,
David Dolph ,
Peter Donis ,
Sean Duncan ,
Steven Ehrbar ,
Roosevelt T. Eldridge ,
Robert N. Emerson ,
Dale Earnest ,
John D. Faugno ,
James Fischer ,
Brett Friley ,
Tom Frisby ,
James Garr ,
Brendan Gasparin ,
Brian Giammalva ,
Michael Gill ,
Travis N. Gillespie ,
Kelly Golden ,
Allan Grohe ,
Eric Guindon ,
Bruce Gulke ,
C. J. Hammer ,
Jess Heinig ,
Christopher Henry ,
Matt Holman ,
Robert Holmberg ,
James Hoit ,
Nathan Hook ,
Ryan C. Houle ,
Conrad Hubbard ,
Stefan Huddleston ,
C. Erich Hudson ,
Gabe Ivan ,
Chad Justice ,
Ryan Karr ,
Shawn Kehoe ,
Michael Koal ,
Alan I. Kravit ,
George Krubski ,
John Kubisz ,
Benjamin Lam ,
Patrick Lawinger ,
Michael P. Lazure ,
Lizard ,
James Maliszewski ,
Mike Mearls ,
Doug Meerschaert ,
James Mishler ,
Ben Monk ,
Scott Nimmo ,
Michael Paddock ,
Lee Palmer ,
William Patterson ,
E. A. Penna ,
Steve Peterson ,
Clark Peterson ,
Kimberly Pinto-DiGennaro ,
Anthony Pitman ,
Anthony Pryor ,
Lawson Reilly ,
Stuart Renton ,
T. Patrick Rooney ,
Gary Schafer ,
J.T. Scott ,
Jason Scott ,
Bryan R. Shipp ,
Christopher Shiverdecker ,
Dean Shomshak ,
Catriona Singfield ,
William D. Smith Jr. ,
Michael Strauss ,
James Sverapa IV ,
Paul Thompson ,
Lawrence Thurman ,
William H. Timmins ,
Jason Treon ,
Kieran Turley ,
Greg Weatherford ,
George Trace Webster ,
David A. Wendt ,
Erik White ,
Stewart Wieck ,
R.L. Wood ,
Wayne Woodman ,
Jason B. Wyrick ,
Karlo Yeager ,
Fred Yelk ,
Bernardo Perez Zamorano
Relics & Rituals is a Scarred Lands sourcebook book.
Summary [ ]
From the back cover:
Cache of New Magic Items and Spells
This handbook introduces a treasure trove of new prestige character classes, new arcane and divine spells, rules for ritual magic casting, and hundreds of new magic items ranging from minor wondrous items to colossal relics of the gods. Among the first books released under the 3rd Edition OGL, Relics & Rituals remains one of the most enduirng, with fantasty game material that continues to inspire DM's and players.
This Sword & Sorcery™ book is published under the Open Game License and is 100% compatible with 3rd Edition rules and the d20 System.
Contents [ ]
Preface [ ]
Introduction [ ]
Chapter One: Prestige Classes [ ]
Chapter Two: Spells [ ]
Chapter Three: Ritual Magic [ ]
Chapter Four: True Rituals [ ]
Chapter Five: Magic Items [ ]
Chapter Six: Relics [ ]
Appendix [ ]
Background Information [ ]
Memorable Quotes [ ]
Characters [ ]
References [ ]