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The Reign of the Exarchs Poster is a Mage: The Awakening product released in 2015.


From the seller's page:

"The Exarchs are real.
The Dethroned Queen,
cast out of the Heavens by wiser gods than she,
proves they’re real. You can doubt her existence,
but doing so only proves your ignorance.
The Dethroned Queen was real.
Soon you’ll see.
Soon you’ll get it.
Then you’ll believe."
— Jonah Reed, Seer of the Throne, prior to his execution
Now you can own this dynamic Reign of the Exarchs cover art as a full color 12" x 18" poster to hang in your own home!
Originally created by artist Jason Chan as cover for the Reign of the Exarchs game book and available for the first time.

Background Information[]

Previous release:
MTAw: The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology Buy it from DriveThruFiction! Now in Print!
Game Products
Mage: The Awakening products
Next release:
MTAw: Mage: The Awakening Second Edition Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!