Red Charlotte is a Satyr business woman, presumably Seelie, and a fulfiller of fantasies.

Red bears a striking resemblance to Mae West with her feminine curves and sexy moves. Her voice, low and deep, strokes one's ears. Dressed in her silken lingerie, she sits behind her desk at Fantasies Inc. and talks unreservedly on the phone with potential clients.
Some call Red a high-class madame. Others call her a purveyor of dreams. She prefers to think of what she does as fulfilling fantasies. Her company, Fantasies Inc., advertises on late-night cable TV with, "When was the last time you talked to a hot, beautiful woman? Call now and share your wildest dreams with one of the hot ladies of Fantasies Inc. We're waiting to talk to you." Many of her clients get no further than steamy phone sex with one of the women in her employ but from time to time, a caller catches Red's attention with a particularly enticing fantasy. Such lucky customers win a prize.
Red, with the other satyrs of her tragos that work with her, choose "projects" from among the lonely souls that call the hotline. Each one requires unique attention, but her goal is always to fulfill their fantasies and draw them from their cocoon of fear, loneliness, and guilt. Like a well-trained team of spies, Red and her colleagues move in, scout the target, and set up their plan. When the time is right, they strike.
Previous clients include a young man from Ohio who feared woman because he thought himself as ugly. When Red was done with him, he had a woman on each arm every night of the week. A recently divorced man from Arkansas, who had resigned himself to a life alone, found love in the arms of his secretary after the satyrs worked their magic. And the manager of a convenience store in Los Angeles gained a new career when Red "inspired" him to bring his cross-dressing "out of the closet" and onto the stage, becoming the hottest new sensation on the club scene.
Red's clients never know what hits them. She approaches each case differently; sometimes she sends in one of her team to seduce the client, using chimera to produce a special effect and teach a lessen. Or maybe she encourages events in a certain direction with clever use of cantrips. The 900-number more than funds her work and she takes an average of two cases per month. The joy of bringing newfound freedom to a client makes it all worthwhile for her and her team.
- CTD. Kithbook: Satyrs, p. 49.