Realms of Norrath: Freeport is a sourcebook for the EverQuest RPG adapted to d20 rules.
- Adventure Awaits You!
- As Norrath's greatest melting pot of political and racial factions, the city of Freeport bubbles with opportunity and with danger. There, would-be heroes find their road to power, fame, and fortune - or they find an early grave.
- This first in a series of Realms of Norrath books explores the city of Freeport and its environs, providing details of EverQuest lore never before assembled and revealed.
- A complete regional sourcebook on the city of Freeport and the surrounding lands.
- An ideal campaign setting for the EverQuest Role-Playing Game
- Dozens of new magic items and creatures
Chapter One: Overview of the City[]
Chapter Two: The History of Freeport[]
Chapter Three: Churches, Factions and Guilds[]
Chapter Four: People and Places in Freeport=[]
Chapter Five: The Commonlands[]
Chapter Six: The Desert of Ro[]
Chapter Seven: The Ocean of Tears[]
Appendix: Magic Items[]
Appendix: Open Game License[]
The True Wand of Marnek[]
Background Information[]
Memorable Quotes[]
Previous release: EQ: EverQuest Game Master's Guide |
Game Books EverQuest books |
Next release: EQ: Befallen |