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Ready-Made Player Characters: Geist: The Sin-Eaters is an RMPC release for Geist: The Sin-Eaters.


From the Onyx Path catalog:

Thinking of running a game of Geist: the Sin-Eaters?
Players unsure of what to play? Looking for a fast way to dive into a ghost story?
Ready-Made Player Characters (Geist: the Sin-Eaters) includes the Crossroads Drifters krewe, who perform for the living and the dead. Characters designed to for instant use in your Geist: the Sin-Eaters game.
A collection of characters for Geist: the Sin-Eaters
  • Five pre-generated player characters, with both starting and experienced character sheets.
  • A brief break-down the character’s history to help players jump into the group.
  • Storyteller advice for the group, as well as links to established SAS adventures, such as Through the Ebon Gate.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]

“The king is dead. Long live the king, baby!”
- Bruce Haas


Bruce Haas
A Stricken Celebrant whose geist is The King in Sequins, an exaggerated stereotype of Elvis Presley.
Sonia Black
Randy Curtis
Minerva Brambani
Ray Asoau


  • While not having an official subtitle like many of the other RMPC releases, the name of five characters in this released are collectively known as The Crossroad Drifters.
  • One of the characters within, Sonia Black, is holding a deck of cards that has the Onyx Path logo on the back.


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SAS: Through the Ebon Gate Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
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